
10 Heart-Wrenching Movies About Forbidden Love Much Better Than Titanic

10 Heart-Wrenching Movies About Forbidden Love Much Better Than Titanic
Image credit: 20th Century Studios

There are many more great ways for unfortunate lovers to die at the end of their forbidden love story than ice-cold water, you know?

10. Anna Karenina (2012)

Based on Leo Tolstoy’s novel of the same name, Anna Karenina follows the forbidden passion between a dashing cavalry officer and the young wife of a powerful Russian aristocrat. Their relationship can never be accepted by high society, and choice between duty, love, and honor proves devastatingly painful. You can watch Anna Karenina on Netflix, Apple TV, and Prime Video.

9. Tristan & Isolde (2006)

What happens when passion gets involved in politics?.. The second-in-line for the English throne falls in love with the Irish king’s daughter, and that’s not a problem in itself. The problem is that he’d won her hand for his king and mentor, and now the relationship between the two people leads to an inevitable war. War is the answer.

You can watch Tristan & Isolde on Apple TV and Prime Video.

8. The Duchess (2008)

Political marriages used to be the perfect tool for settling affairs, but being stuck with a cold and cruel husband for life wasn’t something many women could — or would — endure. Sick of her unhappy marriage, a lady starts an affair with a rising politician, and who would’ve guessed it? Both their lives are now in danger.

You can watch The Duchess on Apple TV and Prime Video.

7. Suite Française (2014)

During the Nazi occupation of France in early World War II, a local woman falls in love with a German officer. Despite the dire circumstances, their romance blooms as they share love for music and pleasant company. But as if loving an enemy wasn’t stressful enough, they also both live in her unloved husband’s mother’s house…

You can watch Suite Française on Netflix and Prime Video.

6. West Side Story (1961)

Romeo and Juliet are often called the most tragic and beautiful romantic couple of all time, and West Side Story brings it to the (once) modern age. Instead of rivaling aristocratic families, warring street gangs; instead of noble children, the right hand of one leader and the little sister of another. As bullets fly, such romance can’t survive.

You can watch West Side Story on Apple TV and Prime Video.

5. Moulin Rouge! (2001)

When big money and powerful aristocracy clashes with aspiring youthful naivete, tragedy is brewing. Moulin Rouge is the most prestigious nightclub in Paris, and Satine is its most charming courtesan. A poor writer is willing to give anything for her hand, but his competition is an ill-minded Duke who’d rather turn their lives into hell.

You can watch Moulin Rouge! on Hulu, Apple TV, Disney Plus, and Prime Video.

4. Edward Scissorhands (1990)

A misunderstood teenage girl and an artificial man with scissors for hands. It doesn’t get any more forbidden than that, does it? Neglected by society, scary-looking Edward is taken in by a kind woman and her family, and he forms a unique bond with her daughter. The problem is that he’s not exactly human, and she’s a teenager.

You can watch Edward Scissorhands on Hulu, Disney Plus, and Prime Video.

3. Brokeback Mountain (2005)

The Wild, Wild West is home for tough cowboys and conservative values — but what if these cowboys genuinely love each other? For two decades, two men are forced to hide their forbidden relationship from the world, and maintaining their connection doesn’t get easier when they both have to marry their respective girlfriends.

You can watch Brokeback Mountain on Max, Netflix, and Prime Video.

2. The Notebook ( 2004)

Society used to be much more sensitive to one’s birth back in the day, and people suffered from it. In The Notebook, a wealthy young woman and a mill worker’s relationship is complicated both by their wildly different statuses and by her unhappy marriage to a rich man, but they still love each other and will fight for their happiness.

You can watch The Notebook on Netflix and Prime Video.

1. Romeo + Juliet (1996)

No forbidden love story list can be complete without at least two iterations of Romeo and Juliet’s tale, can it? Just like our previous entry, Leonardo DiCaprio ’s second best romantic outing also brings the classic story to more modern times, switching clans for gangs and lords for heirs, but otherwise stays true to Shakespear.

You can watch Romeo + Juliet on Hulu, Disney Plus, and Prime Video.