10 Hidden Easter Eggs in Big Bang Theory Every Fan Should Know

10 Hidden Easter Eggs in Big Bang Theory Every Fan Should Know
Image credit: CBS

If you haven’t noticed these before, they make a great excuse for a rewatch.

Easter eggs in our favourites shows are always fun.

But did you spot these ones in TBBT?

1. Sheldon’s tees

Sheldon has worn a plethora of T-shirts throughout the show, and it's pretty clear what his style is. But did you know that his choice of shirt actually goes a little deeper than just showing off his personality? The colour of his tee would often reflect the way he was feeling at the time.

2. Number 73

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Sheldon was often seen wearing number 73, and in one episode gave a detailed explanation of why it was the best number. But here's some interesting facts. Jim Parsons was born in 1973, which might explain it. And the episode in question was the 73rd of the show.

3. Wil’s door number

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Star Trek has been a feature of the show from the beginning. Many of the sci-fi show's stars have appeared on TBBT over the years. In fact, Wil Wheaton had a recurring cameo role and was sometimes visited at home by Sheldon. But have you noticed his door number? He lived at 1701, which is the 4-digit part of the Enterprise's registration number.

4. Howard’s belt buckles

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Howard Wolowitz loved belt buckles, and fans got used to his huge collection. If you watched the series finale closely, you might have noticed that the logo adorning his belt on this occasion was for a very familiar TV show.

5. The 4A flag

In Season 3, we got a glimpse of Leonard and Sheldon's first conversation. During their initial exchange, Sheldon informed Leonard that his chair was in a state of 'eternal dibs' and Leonard agreed to drive Sheldon to university. Sheldon also introduced the apartment flag. He then proceeded to wave it. And as the series progressed, the flag could be seen in various places around the apartment, and was frequently spotted by eagle-eyed viewers.

6. No Marvel in Stuarts’ shop

Had you noticed? Maybe not, but the store was a regular haunt and you’d have seen a fair amount of Batman memorabilia – but nothing from the MCU. Why? Because the show is owned by Warner Bros.

7. A nod to Raiders of the Lost Ark

Season seven episode The Raiders Minimization was based on the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, and if you look closely, you’ll see that there is a nod to the Indiana Jones film. The formula on the wall behind the DNA model was an exact copy of that used in the original film – something you’d probably only notice if you watched both simultaneously. Or if you were to google the movie scene so you have it to hand when rewatching TBBT.

8. The Batman cookie jar

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We all love consistency in our favourite shows. And one way to do that is to make the houses look the same through the use of props. The Batman cookie jar was introduced early on when Leonard gave it to Sheldon as compensation for kicking his roommate out of the Physics Bowl competition. The prop remained in the show until the series finale.

9. Penny’s fridge

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Penny's fridge was a regular feature in the background of shots taken in her apartment. And it was often covered in photographs. Of course, this was nothing unusual and most viewers would not have noticed the pictures. But they were actually photos of Kaley Cuoco ( who played Penny) with other members of the cast and crew of the show.

10. Howard’s mum’s legacy

Howard's mother was never seen on screen, but became a recurring character in the show and was much loved (quite a big deal for a character we never actually met). Sadly, Carol Ann Susi, who provided the voice for Mrs Wolowitz, died unexpectedly while the show was still in production. Naturally, the showrunners included a touching scene that addressed the issue and showed a caring side to Sheldon. A photo of Carol Ann was placed on Leonard and Penny's refrigerator to honour her memory.

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