10 Hidden Sci-Fi Gems from the 80s That Classic Fans Will Enjoy

Sci-fi is a pretty weird genre - even though millions of people live and breathe the movies, shows, and books of the genre, sometimes sci-fi projects prove to be a little too weird for their own good, losing people's attention and fading from the public consciousness.
However, weirdness can actually help movies become cult favorites in the long run, because while audiences may miss the point of the films at the time of their release, over time more and more people become interested in the sheer strangeness of the productions.
Here are 10 of the most underrated sci-fi movies of the 1980s:
As you can see from the above synopses, these sci-fi movies are obviously pretty weird, but in the best weird sense of the word. It's a pure pleasure to rediscover them and finally give them the attention they always deserved.
Of course, the above mentioned sci-fi movies look a bit cheesy and dated compared to the well-known hits of the 80s, but that only makes them more interesting to watch! After all, indulging in some good old-fashioned '80s nostalgia is one of the best ways to make an evening in front of the TV feel cozy, don't you think?