10 Worst Characters in Harry Potter Books, According to Reddit

10 Worst Characters in Harry Potter Books, According to Reddit
Image credit: Legion-Media

Everyone loves Harry Potter; the series has been a hit amongst fans even years after its release. Fans worldwide and on the internet love Ron, Hermione, and, of course, Harry Potter. After three decades, the Harry Potter series keeps fans engaged with its enormous cast of characters.

The book has some brilliant characters, but users on Reddit find that some characters are just downright terrible. The obvious choice is Voldemort or Draco Malfoy, the bully, but they might not be the only worst ones in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

We have collected ten characters who deserve the foulest of judgement; keep reading to find out who're these characters and how they compare to each other in terms of pure awfulness.

1: Rita Skeeter

Rita Skeeter was the sensationalist reporter of the Daily Prophet. She was a character everyone disliked and the most hated person in the series. Falling just behind Professor Umbridge, she was famous for her enchantingly nasty writing and the lies she told the public. She's an unregistered animagus and sneaks into Hogwarts without authorisation to get a story that she twists as much as possible.

2: Cornelius Fudge

Cornelius Fudge was the most incompetent Minister of Magic who ignored all signs of Voldemort's return. Fans were tired of his bumbling politics and willful ignorance, which eventually led to chaos in the story. Harry gave him several warnings, but he brushed them aside, and due to his neglect, many people lost their lives. Thankfully he was not Minister of Magic for long.

3: Petunia Dursley

Harry Potter was not fortunate enough to have good relatives and adoptive guardians. Although the Dursleys had uncontrollable hatred toward him, aunt Petunia remained the most despicable. Considering she was Harry's aunt, she kept him in a cupboard underneath the stairs and neglected him as a child.

4: Argus Filch

The squib, Argus Filch, was Hogwarts' caretaker and the most unpleasant personality. Once Dolores Umbridge was appointed head of school and Dumbledore's replacement, Filch became her right-hand man. He took advantage of the power and interfered harshly in the students' lives.

5: Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy belonged to the House of Slytherin and was easily one of the worst characters in the series. He made it his duty to bully, ridicule, and taunt Harry Potter and his friends. His bullying was incessant, and his loyalty to Death eaters and his wicked parents was appalling. They compelled him to kill Albus Dumbledore, which he would have done if not for Severus Snape's interference.

6: Barty Crouch Jr

Barty Crouch Jr committed crimes as a teenager and was sent to jail by his father. He was filled with rage and anger for being treated like this by his father. He became a sworn Death Eater and impersonated Mad Eye Moody to enter Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire to resurrect Voldemort. His evil actions played a crucial role in the murder of Cedric Diggory.

7: Peter Pettigrew

10 Worst Characters in Harry Potter Books, According to Reddit - image 1

Peter Pettigrew was deceptively mischievous; even the Sorting Hat got confused about putting him in Slytherin or Gryffindor. This could have been the first clue of his malicious personality. He was responsible for the murder of his friends James and Lily as he paved the way for Voldemort to kill them by disclosing their hiding place.

8: Bellatrix LeStrange

Bellatrix was a witch with excellent skill and ingenuity; unfortunately, she used her powers for evil rather than good. She became the most prominent Death Eater and had no problem torturing and murdering people at whim. She even killed her cousin, Sirius Black, in front of Harry Potter. Murder was more of a hobby to her than something she did out of loyalty to Voldemort.

9: Voldemort

Voldemort is where it all started; he was a promising half-blood wizard called Tom Riddle. Unfortunately, he chose the path of evil, making him the overarching villain of the Harry Potter series. He cared for no one but himself and was obsessed with immortality and purifying the Wizarding World. His obsession drove him to the extreme, becoming the embodiment of evil. So much so that no one even spoke his name out loud.

10: Dolores Umbridge

Amongst the many evil characters in Harry Potter, Dolores Umbridge tops the list. She was undoubtedly a hundred per cent vile and wicked. In Snape's absence, she became the professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts and was the most hated. She became the school's first High Inquisitor, to everyone's dismay.

She never took instructions from anyone but acted on her own. Her measures were mostly drastic and cruel, as her sole purpose was to intimidate and subdue. She tortured Harry, administered illegal Veritaserum to students, and encouraged her beliefs in a totalitarian government. She eventually paid for her crimes in Azkaban, where she served a life sentence.

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