18 Biggest Superhero Movie Fails, Ranked by Their Box Office Disasters

On one hand, the box office is not the most reputable metric of success, but when it comes to an action blockbuster filled with beloved superheroes, it is.
And we're here to talk about the 18 most notable failures in this category that we ranged by the amount of money they got from the viewers.
When you see a movie budget, you can easily multiply it by three to get a number that would deem the whole enterprise profitable, because the budget doesn't count the marketing costs and other expenses that are not a part of the general production budget.
Some of the movies in this list that flopped were outright boring and not interesting; others suffered too much from the revisions and became jumbled jigsaws instead of something cohesive and enjoyable.
There are, however, some of the movies that were simply released at the wrong time and gained their popularity now, when they can be easily streamed, but that never helped them get the profit they deserved.
We mourn the way the audience treated Punisher: War Zone which was made before the superhero movie hysteria took over the world and thus went unnoticed. Others, though, mostly deserved their fate.