3 Shows That Started Off Good But Aged Like Milk

3 Shows That Started Off Good But Aged Like Milk
Image credit: Legion-Media

There are shows that were great at the time but haven't aged well due to changes in the social climate, and then there are shows that had a few promising seasons and then turned into something that made us go, "I wish I had never seen this." Ring any bells?

We bet you can think of a couple of unfortunate TV series like that right off the bat. Here are our picks for the top three shows that aged like milk.

Teen Wolf

Sorry, but what did you expect us to start with? When Teen Wolf came out in 2011, it was the it show.

The first three seasons were great – consistent plot, gradual character development, Scott and Allison captured our hearts forever and never let go, and there was still hope for Stiles and Lydia.

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Then season 4 rolled around, and it seemed like we had lost Allison and Jeff Davis had lost his touch along with her. Don't even get us started on Teen Wolf: The Movie and everything that was wrong with it.


You know how Netflix cancels perfectly good shows after three seasons? Well, we wish Riverdale was a Netflix original, so we wouldn't have to suffer through four more seasons.

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The show originally debuted in 2017, giving us a fresh new look at high school-set dramas – only to disappoint us a few years later.

The first three seasons were just enough in terms of a balanced mix of mystery and drama. The characters were believable, the ships were wholesome (too much sex for high school, but we were used to that at that point), and the bad guys were realistic.

Later on, the writers seemed to have made the plot so unpredictable that they got lost in it themselves – and so did we.

13 Reasons Why

The first season of the show was just *chef's kiss*. They should have really left it at that – a tragic story of a schoolgirl who was misunderstood and bullied by her peers.

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Instead, the creators turned the series into a murder mystery of all things, which defeated the original purpose and left the wrong impression of the whole thing. Still, it is kind of amazing how they managed to squeeze four seasons out of it!

Thank God, these shows are either over or about to be, and we don't have to sit through another excruciating season that makes no sense.

Let's go binge something more worthy of our time – Young Sheldon, perhaps?

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