4 Cringey But Lovable Foreign Adaptations of American Movies & TV Shows

4 Cringey But Lovable Foreign Adaptations of American Movies & TV Shows
Image credit: AMC, UniMás, STS, Cartoon Network

Here’s what your favorite American shows look like on the other side of the globe.

You know how sometimes things get lost in translation? Well, it happens in TV and movie adaptations too. And it can be both cringe-worthy and hilariously entertaining.

Metastasis (Colombia) — Breaking Bad

Imagine Breaking Bad, but in Colombia and with less meth and more... well, everything else. Metastasis is like watching a parallel universe version of the show where Walter White becomes Walter Blanco (which literally means 'white' in Spanish, so they nailed that).

It's like seeing your favorite series through a funhouse mirror — familiar, yet weirdly distorted. The show has got itself an “impressive” 2.5 rating on IMDb.

Voroniny (Russia) — Everybody Loves Raymond

Everybody Loves Raymond but make it Russian. Voroniny is basically the same concept but with a uniquely Russian sense of humor.

The family dynamics are still there, but with an extra dollop of stoicism and absurdity. It's as if Raymond and his family suddenly decided to embrace their inner Russian.

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Takalani Sesame (South African) — Sesame Street

This show isn't just a copy-paste job; it adds its own flair with local languages, characters, and cultural nuances. Sure, it's a bit jarring to see familiar fuzzy faces in a completely different setting, but it's also heartwarming and, at times, downright hilarious.

The show includes characters like an HIV-positive Muppet, which is a brave move for children's programming.

Powerpuff Girls Z (Japan) — The Powerpuff Girls

Last but not least, Powerpuff Girls Z takes the original "Powerpuff Girls" and turns it into a full-blown anime. It's like someone watched the original show and said, "This needs more giant robots.”

The style is super colorful and over-the-top, with all the hallmarks of a typical anime. It's funny because it's so different from the original's simple and direct style, but also a bit cringe-worthy when you see how far they've strayed from the original concept.

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