41 Years Later, This 100% Rated Sci-Fi Drama Is Still the Most Terrifying ‘End of the World’ Movie

41 Years Later, This 100% Rated Sci-Fi Drama Is Still the Most Terrifying ‘End of the World’ Movie
Image credit: BBC

Few people had the courage to watch it twice.

For many people cinema is a means of entertainment, and that’s why they would usually choose a comedy or an action movie for a Saturday evening. But there are people who can truly enjoy something way more complicated, something that brings out emotions and feelings you had no idea even existed down there.

However, “enjoy” is a rather strong word when it comes to movies that are actually able to break you. Usually it’s sci-fi dystopian flicks that have powers like that, and add to that the “end of the world as we know it” scenario – and you’re done.

One of the movies that is the most terrifying in that sense is the 1984 BBC film called Threads. The most common comment from those who are familiar with it is “don’t watch it, save yourself from depression.” Says a lot.

Is Threads Really That Terrifying?

41 Years Later, This 100% Rated Sci-Fi Drama Is Still the Most Terrifying ‘End of the World’ Movie - image 1

Threads is an apocalyptic war drama about a nuclear war and its effects on the city of Sheffield, England. It focuses on two families and their suffering in the midst of the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. The film concentrates more on the fact that nuclear war is not only about the bomb and explosions themselves, but more about the aftermath.

The film is a depiction of the medical, economic, social, and environmental consequences of nuclear war.

“Hands down the most horrifying, terrifying and realistic depiction of the end of the world. It doesn’t sugar coat, it doesn’t give a cute story of a bunch of survivors banding together to find hope in a desolate world. Hope, along with life as we know it, is brutally stripped from every character we meet,” Reddit Electronic_Fig3120 said.

Despite the fact that it's an absolutely terrifying movie, it still managed to get a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. If you dare, you can watch Threads on Mubi and Shudder, and it is also available for purchasing or renting on Apple TV+.

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