5 Best Supernatural Episodes, Ranked By IMDB From Great To True Masterpiece

If you’re not in the mood to rewatch all 15 seasons, start here.
With so many new shows out there, there is no need to rewatch something that came out years ago. However, as fans of the shows, we would still go back to the ones we love and feel comforted by.
In the case of Supernatural, going through all 15 seasons of content, ranging from awesome to downright ridiculous, can be a journey in itself. So if you don't have the time, but want to revisit the show you once loved and remember how great it was, we've got you covered.
Here are the top five Supernatural episodes everyone loves, ranked by their IMDb rating from good to one that nothing can compare to.
5. Fan Fiction (S10E5) – 9.4/10
It's always fun when the show decides to acknowledge the fans and celebrate a big milestone with them. The 200th episode of Supernatural was all about the fans, the fiction they create, and the love they have for the show. It's no surprise that the episode is so beloved by so many and is always a pleasure to watch again.
4. ScoobyNatural (S13E16) – 9.6/10
Crossovers are always great, but crossovers that evoke a huge sense of nostalgia are even better. Not many people would have thought of mixing Supernatural with their favorite childhood mystery team, but it all worked out much better than expected. Besides, this is the episode for all the cartoon lovers out there.
3. Changing Channels (S5E8) – 9.6/10
Watching a TV show within a TV show is great, and not many series are brave enough to do that. Thanks to the smart and funny writing, the clever jokes, and the very catchy intro, the eighth episode of the fifth season is still one of the fandom's favorites. It just goes to show how much viewers need comedic relief from time to time.
2. The French Mistake (S6E15) – 9.6/10
If in Changing Channels the brothers had to face a variety of TV genres and storylines, this time they had to face themselves in their own show from a parallel universe. The idea confused viewers as much as it confused Dean and Sam, but it was one of the most entertaining episodes to watch.
1. Swan Song (S5E22) – 9.7/10
The finale of season 5 was originally intended to be the end of the whole series, so the story perfectly wraps up all the hardships that Sam and Dean have faced over the years of their adventures. It's heartbreaking at times, very emotional, and makes you appreciate every single character even more. No wonder some viewers still consider it the one and only ending to the story.