5 Best Survival Reality Shows To Watch Right Now (Except Squid Game: The Challenge)

5 Best Survival Reality Shows To Watch Right Now (Except Squid Game: The Challenge)
Image credit: Discovery

There's no Red Light Green Light, but some even more breathtaking challenges.

Squid Game is once again capturing the hearts of fans around the world, but this time in a reality show format. If watching The Challenge made you realize that you enjoy watching people survive in unusual conditions, then these five shows are for you.

1. Alone, 2015-…

This project can rightly be called extreme – it is practically a social experiment. Ten participants land on a deserted island off the northwest coast of Canada and are divided into five teams. Each takes only a camera and what they can fit into a backpack.

After that, the poor guys are scattered all over the place, separated from each other. Their task is not only to survive, but also to find their partner and then survive longer in the wilderness than their rivals. What gives the show a special charm is the relationship between the participants – siblings, father and daughter, and best friends often compete in the project.

2. Marooned with Ed Stafford, 2013-2016

The first person in the world to walk the entire length of the Amazon River, whose expedition earned him a place in the Guinness World Records, has been teaching survival lessons in the Marooned with Ed Stafford project.

Former British Army Captain Ed goes alone, without a film crew, to places inhospitable to life. He spends 10 days there, filming his adventures and trying not only to survive, but to achieve physical comfort. Stafford wants to eat a tasty lunch and sleep comfortably in the impenetrable jungle or on a desert island.

3. Naked and Afraid, 2013-…

5 Best Survival Reality Shows To Watch Right Now (Except Squid Game: The Challenge) - image 1

Another project in which people challenge not only nature, but also themselves. A man and a woman, strangers to each other, are forced to survive together, side by side, in extreme conditions. To make matters worse, they have no clothes, let alone food, water or tools.

They will have to survive for 21 days in the most terrifying corners of the world, learn to find food and water, build a shelter, escape from wild animals, but first – learn to get along with each other.

4. American Tarzan, 2016

There was a time when people lived in an unfriendly world of wild nature and fought for their existence every day. And there are still men and women who are ready to return to this world and show their strength and skills.

The participants of the show will have to cope with the peculiarities of the coast, tropical jungle, mountains and canyons. Once they kayak across open water and reach an inhospitable island, their first task will be to navigate the terrain and not get lost in the jungle on the way to their destination.

5. Kings of the Wild, 2015

The creators of Australia's Kings of the Wild decided to break away from the standards of TV survival shows and introduce a new element – creating restaurant-quality meals in the complete absence of civilization.

Throughout the show, New Zealand hunter Josh and British chef Matt prove that they can eat like kings in the wild and in the most remote corners of the world. With minimal equipment and no 21st-century conveniences, they forage for food on their own, using only bows and arrows, slingshots and traps.

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