5 Game of Thrones Characters Whose Spin-Offs We'd Rather Watch Instead of SNOW

Game of Thrones had many compelling and intriguing characters with stories allegedly more interesting than Jon Snow and his Northbound sequel adventure.
5. Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark
We think we speak for all the fans when we say that Robert’s Rebellion has all the prerequisites of becoming a hugely successful prequel to Game of Thrones. The fall of the Mad King and the Targaryen dynasty as a whole is an immensely intriguing historical event, and it’s bound to have all the classic GoT brutality and bloodshed.
There’s quite a lot of character drama involved, too: the love triangle between Robert Baratheon, Lyanna Stark, and Rhaegar Targaryen; Jaime Lannister’s lowkey noble betrayal and the murder of Aerys II Targaryen; Ned Stark’s grief when he finds out the fate of his sister and takes in her son as Jon Snow… This series could be great!
4. Tywin Lannister
On a similar note, a prequel about Tywin Lannister could be quite a unit, too. Tywin famously led his Great House to prosperity by morally questionable and often blatantly vile means, and songs about his terrifying deeds still haunt Westeros by the time Game of Thrones events happen. We’d love to see what really happened there.
A show about Tywin Lannister’s path to success and the ascent of House Lannister could have quite a solid period to cover and includes many scary and great events that could help the viewers understand how Lord Tywin came to become the sharp monster we knew him for. Also, this sequel could evolve into Robert’s Rebellion!
3. Mance Rayder
The King Beyond the Wall is a fantastic character, and his feat of uniting the Free Folk tribes was nothing short of outstanding. Unfortunately, we never learned too much about Mance himself, and he got too little spotlight for such a prominent figure in Game of Thrones. A standalone prequel show could (and should) fix that!
A Mance Rayder spin-off could also kill two birds with one stone: it would sate HBO’s apparent hunger for creating a True North adventure and address the biggest speculation about this character. Many fans think he might be a rogue Targaryen, and the prequel could finally reveal the truth about the King Beyond the Wall.
2. Jaqen H’ghar or Daario Naharis
You know what would be great? Seeing more of Essos in one of the spin-off shows. And what better Game of Thrones characters could showcase the beauty of those realms than an experienced mercenary Daario Naharis or a nobody known as Jaqen H’ghar? Widely loved by the fans, either of them would become the perfect guide.
We’re equally down for seeing Essos’s power struggles through the eyes of the man fighting visible wars — or the assassin fighting the invisible ones. The rich lore and cultures of the southern continent would make for a stunning backdrop, and both Jaqen and Daario sure have many fascinating stories that we don’t know yet.
1. Arya Stark
Perhaps the most requested spin-off, Arya Stark’s sequel series has an infinite potential to become the next big thing. Arya has always been one of the most popular characters (even though some fans hated her), and millions of people would surely tune in to know what happened to her after she left Westeros for good.
Arya’s journey into the uncharted territories could take her anywhere, and the adventures she could have along the way are endless. It’s hard to imagine a more exciting post-Game of Thrones spin-off than hers, and we can’t believe this show is not yet in development. The people need to know what’s beyond the ocean!