5 Glee Characters Who Deserve a Spot in a Reboot

Don’t stop believing, and you may see them again.
If there's one thing Glee has successfully taught us all, it's that if you're not bold enough, you may never get your chance to shine. Considering how many solos Rachel and Blaine got not just because they were talented, but because they were confident and vocal about their talent, that's the lesson everyone remembered.
But what all viewers also remember is how little time some of the other characters in the show got. Whether it was singing or even lines of dialogue, the actors behind these roles stole every scene they were in, but it wasn't enough to stick around.
Here are the top five Glee characters we would definitely invite to a Glee reboot (if it ever happens), just to give them another chance to shine.
Lauren Zizes
Lauren has made a few appearances throughout the show, but most of her arc has been focused on her relationship with Puck. Unfortunately, she hasn't been given the opportunity to fully showcase her talents, but many Glee fans feel that she would be a hilarious character if only the writers would try to open her up more.
Rachel's Fathers
First of all, their casting was so spot-on that viewers would die to see just one more scene with them. And sometimes it was just strange to see Rachel go through the important events in her life without her parents by her side. Especially in comparison to the very present Burt Hummel or Carole Hudson.
Roderick Meeks
If there's one character that fans wish was there from the beginning, just to hear more songs covered by him, it's Roderick. His storyline was sweet and touching to so many people, and it's just too bad he appeared during the season when everyone lost interest in the show completely.
Brody Weston
Interestingly, many viewers felt that Brody deserved a redemption arc, or at least a chance to explain himself to Rachel. They had enough chemistry to reconcile after Finn's death, so some even suggested that it would make more sense for her to end up with Brody than with a high school crush.
Cooper Anderson
Remember Blaine's very self-centered but incredibly entertaining older brother, portrayed by Matt Bomer? Well, he would have come in handy later on to give his brother some of his confidence back. Also, everyone just loved how Darren Criss and Matt Bomer's voices blended together.