TV Grey's Anatomy

5 Grey's Anatomy Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate They Get

5 Grey's Anatomy Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate They Get
Image credit: ABC

Maybe fans should cut them some slack, because these characters are really not as bad as many people think.

Not all Grey's Anatomy characters are equally beloved by viewers, some have quite a large share of haters among the fandom.

While they may not be ideal, do they really deserve all the backlash they get?

Here are five characters from the acclaimed series who may get too much hate from fans.

Maggie Pierce

Absolutely despised by many fans, others feel that the hatred for Maggie has reached surreal levels. Yes, she can be harsh and annoying at times, but there are characters worse than her.

And Maggie has had her share of heartwarming moments throughout the show, like when Amelia reassures her that they're both still here for each other, but the negative ones seem to completely overshadow them.

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Erica Hahn

Although the way she treated Cristina was extremely rude and unprofessional, Erica was sometimes the only character who kept her cool and looked at things rationally.

Maybe that is what made some fans dislike her.

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Penelope Blake

Many fans prefer to focus on her involvement in the death of one particular character, but her lack of confidence in standing up for her patient against the attendings was a flaw shared by several other characters.

But considering who her patient was, fans didn't take this death lightly.

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Owen Hunt

While he was warmly received at first, fans grew to hate Owen, mostly because of his relationships. But when you take all that away, he is really not a bad guy, he is a great father, a caring friend and a good doctor.

On the other hand, most of his storyline is about his relationships, and he has changed a lot over the course of the show, becoming a moody mess, so fans miss the old gruff, badass Owen.

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Izzie Stevens

Izzie is a tricky character because she divides the fanbase: you either love her or hate her.

Even though she sometimes does absolutely crazy things, she still has great charisma and character, so it is no surprise that fans have such polarizing opinions about her.

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