5 Grey's Anatomy Pairings That Made A Lot Of Sense, But Never Happened

Too many lost opportunities to make things even messier.
If there's one thing that Shonda Rhimes has always been loved for by viewers of her shows, it's the romantic drama. There was always chemistry, there was always conflict, and there was always tension. Sometimes too much of all of the above at the same time.
But with as many seasons and as many cast members as a show like Grey's Anatomy has, there is always room for improvement.
Here are 5 Grey's Anatomy ‘could’ve been’ couples that the writers never got to bring together.
Izzie Stevens and Mark Sloan
Following the basic tropes that Grey's Anatomy has never shied away from, these two had to have at least one fling. She, as a blonde and tall ex-model, and he, as a handsome and cocky ex-football player, would make a picture-perfect couple for at least a few episodes until Mark found someone else to pursue.
Meredith Grey and Mark Sloan
Maybe this didn't happen because it would have ended too much drama between Derek and Mark, but nothing would have stopped him from hitting on Derek's ex-girlfriend. Especially considering the fact that he already hit on his wife once and was somehow completely forgiven in the end.
Meredith Grey and Alex Karev
If this pairing were to happen, fans of the show would probably riot near Shondaland's offices for ruining a perfectly good platonic friendship. But it's hard to believe that no writer has ever been tempted to make Meredith and Alex more than just best friends, since they were each other's support system at one point.
Cristina Yang and Jackson Avery
Many viewers may have forgotten, but there was a brief period of time when Jackson had a serious crush on Cristina. As much as we love him with April now, this couple would be the most powerful and fascinating to watch. Together, they could probably take over the entirety of the medical world.
Amelia Shepherd and Arizona Robbins
Grey's Anatomy totally missed an opportunity to make these two a couple, at least for a short time, back in season 11, when they were particularly close to each other. Besides, they already had a history, since they both went to Hopkins, so it could have easily been an ‘old fling’ kind of thing.