5 Grey's Anatomy Storylines That Would Get It Canceled In 2023

Not everything has aged as well as Ellen Pompeo.
Let's face it, it's unnecessary to judge the quality of the show through the prism of ethics 20 years after it was released. However, it's always good to reflect on things that were considered the norm at the time, but are now considered downright horrific. And with 19 seasons under its belt, Grey's Anatomy has plenty of such moments.
Here are five absolutely terrible storylines that were overlooked at the time of their release, but would cause Grey's Anatomy a lot of trouble today.
Alex Getting Mad at Addison
Remember that time Addison did her job and got her patient the surgery she wanted? Well, while any other doctor would see that as good work, Alex Karev stood up for the patient's husband, who didn't give his consent for any medical procedures. Alex not only got mad at Addison, he got her in a lot of trouble.
Alex Embarrassing Izzie
We have to agree, Alex was a pretty bad person back in the day. Of course, he's grown up over the years, but it's hard to forget how he deliberately embarrassed Izzie in public over her Bethany Whisper ad. It was a humiliating experience much closer to high school bullying than adult behavior, but Izzie stood up to him like a true trooper.
Cristina Sexually Harassing April
Cristina was never supposed to be a nice person, especially to those she didn't consider friends. However, her behavior towards April's decision to keep her virginity was absolutely inhumane and unacceptable in every way. She should have known better and stayed out of someone else's intimate business.
George Refusing to Buy Tampons
You're a man, we get it, but what about gender stereotypes? George's insecurity has always been an issue for many fans, but in this particular episode, it reached the point of no return. As a doctor, he should've known better than to throw a tantrum over some sanitary napkins and just toss a pack in his basket instead.
Everyone Calling Bailey a Nazi
There's something very messed up about calling anyone that name, but especially a woman of color. Bailey's assertiveness and strictness with the interns could drive anyone crazy, but she doesn't deserve that title at all. On the bright side, this is one instance where Grey's Anatomy got it right and corrected itself in an episode where Bailey had to treat a patient with a swastika tattoo.