5 Iconic Movies That Are Secretly Comedies Even If You Never Noticed

Sometimes, when you watch a movie, you become so involved with its intricate dramatic plot that you fail to realize the obvious: it’s actually a comedy, above everything!
5. Pulp Fiction (1994)
Quentin Tarantino ’s most iconic movie of all time, Pulp Fiction is widely regarded as a classic and industry-changing crime thriller.
Most people appreciate the dry humor of the movie, but few realize that beyond the main characters’ remarks, Pulp Fiction is borderline a comedy that aims to make even serious and scary situations funny.
4. Uncut Gems (2019)
The Safdie brothers did a phenomenal job showing how a man’s desperation can make him dig his own grave faster and faster while thinking that he’s getting out of it.
As tragic as Howard’s story is, it’s also taken to the extreme at every turn to the point where it’s just as hilarious as it is sad, and the finale proves it impeccably.
3. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
While many would argue that there’s no way that Stanley Kubrick’s war drama is a comedy, it undeniably is. It’s not just about the rare but hilarious jokes or the laughably inept character of Private Pyle; Full Metal Jacket takes it a few steps further.
The movie pokes fun at the American army and our society as a whole.
2. Goodfellas (1990)
Back in the day, Martin Scorsese ’s Goodfellas turned the tables completely as prior to this movie, no one’s even thought about mixing a crime thriller and comedy together.
When you watch the movie today, you can clearly see that it was created as a comedy, first of all; in 1990, this was a sensational revelation for most viewers.
1. American Psycho (2000)
To this day, Mary Harron’s cult classic American Psycho is largely misunderstood by those who watch the movie for the first time. It doesn’t matter whether Patrick Bateman committed those crimes or went insane; what matters is the grotesquely superficial society around him that praises this monster or ignores his true nature.
American Psycho laughs at the people of modern America and our endless egoism.