TV Law & Order Special Victims Unit

5 Law & Order: SVU Episodes Even Hardcore Fans Are Willing To Skip

5 Law & Order: SVU Episodes Even Hardcore Fans Are Willing To Skip
Image credit: NBC

Even Olivia Benson has her lows.

Although Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is critically acclaimed and considered one of the best series out of the whole franchise, it still can't be completely perfect. No matter how many fans the show has and how much they love it, even they have to admit that some episodes are just unwatchable.

Here are five episodes of Law & Order: SVU that you can feel free to skip during a re-watch. They simply don't match the quality!

Cold (S09E19)

This episode is deemed so bad in the eyes of the audience because it drops off one interesting character that the show never cares to pick up later on. The fate of Chester Lake, who's getting his trial and then just gets driven off to no-one-knows-where is one of the most annoying SVU fails.

5 Law & Order: SVU Episodes Even Hardcore Fans Are Willing To Skip - image 1

Decaying Morality (S16E13)

One thing that no one in their right mind could forgive is the wrongful murder. Looking at the young man being tortured to death for something he didn't do was hard enough, but seeing the murderer escape with no justice was even harder. This episode just fails to satisfy fans' expectations for a rightful ending, and you can safely skip it altogether.

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The Presence of Absence (S24E16)

While the storyline didn't make sense from the very beginning, it became even more bizarre as the episode progressed. And to make things even worse, the poorly written dialogue just added to the overall tasteless episode and made it almost unbearable to watch.

Dare (S19E16)

Although the writing here isn't half as bad as in the previous example, its whole premise is: the episode is harmful to the medical professionals as it spreads the idea that doctors can make any unwanted incisions and steal organs from deceased patients. This one should've stayed in drafts.

Confess Your Sins to Be Free (S23E21)

Sometimes redemption arcs are alright, but sometimes they are not welcomed at all. That is the case with Burton, who doesn't deserve anything but despise from Olivia, as well as other victims of his. Many SVU fans believe that the episode contradicts the entire point of the show and does much more harm than good.

Do you think Burton deserves forgiveness and a second chance?