5 Most Absurd Moments in The Boys' Gen V Spinoff, According to Fans

These Gen V's failures are as entertaining as they are bewildering.
The Boys ’ spinoff series, Gen V, has emerged as a noteworthy addition to the expanding universe of superhero narratives. The critically acclaimed spinoff continues the tradition of its predecessor by offering a gritty, darkly humorous, and often shocking portrayal of a superhero world.
Despite its overall success and favorable reception, the series is not without its quirks and eyebrow-raising moments. Fans shared them on Reddit.
1. Soldier Boy's Inconsistent Behavior
Fans noticed that Soldier Boy's behavior in Cate's imagination didn't match his public image. Instead, he acted more like his real, crude self. This inconsistency has raised some questions.
2. Vought's Anti-Sonic Weapon
The show introduces an anti-sonic weapon that can stun or kill Supes. However, it's puzzling why this weapon hasn't been used or mentioned before, especially since sound is apparently a universal weakness for Supes. This revelation seems like a significant oversight in the series lore.
3. The Strength of Sam
There's a scene where Emma, who is large in size, pins Sam to the ground, raising questions about the true extent of Sam's strength. He was posed as a super strong guy, but is he really?
4. Tek Knight's Puzzling Role
Tek Knight's transformation from a technology-based hero to one with super senses has been a source of confusion. This change deviates from his comic book origins and leaves fans questioning the direction of his character, given that he is set to appear in The Boys season 4.
5. Too Much Freedom for a Vought Institution
Another fan pointed out a curious aspect of the show, expressing skepticism about the numerous significant plot-related discussions that occur within the dormitories. They find it hard to believe that Vought, the corporation overseeing everything, wouldn't have the entire school under surveillance with bugs and wires.
Source: Reddit