5 Most Badass Albus Dumbledore Moments Ever

No matter what you think about Albus Dumbledore, he was the most powerful wizard of his time — and was well aware of that, which led to these utterly badass scenes.
Albus Dumbledore's one deep character. Apart from being a brilliant strategist, a caring father figure, a (rather irresponsible but still) beloved Headmaster, and a genius wizarding scientist, he was an absolute top dog of a mage.
Everyone knew not to mess with Dumbledore, and Dumbledore knew no one would mess with him.
Sometimes, the Headmaster dropped his wisdom and kindness for a bit to reveal his utter dominance — and here are the top 5 most badass Dumbledore scenes ever.
5. "To me, I'm afraid, you will always be Tom Riddle."
While the entire Wizarding World was scared to call Voldemort even by his new name, the Headmaster kept calling the Dark Lord just "Tom" to remind him of his place.
Harry took after his teacher and started calling his enemy "Riddle" which admittedly stung even more as it was Voldemort's hated Muggle father's last name.
4. "I'm afraid I am not going to come quietly at all."
Minister Fudge has never been the brightest man, but thinking he could simply arrest Albus Dumbledore was the pinnacle of his idiocy.
The Headmaster didn't hesitate to sarcastically point out that the Minister was "laboring under the delusion" that he had any chance at taking Dumbledore in — and then simply vanished before his eyes.
3. "Dumbledore says he doesn't care…"
After the Headmaster was voted out of the ICW Chairmanship, demoted from Chief Warlock on the Wizengamot, and had his Order of Merlin taken away, he didn't give a damn about it.
Bill Weasley even quoted Dumbledore basically saying something like "As long as they don't take me off the Chocolate Frog cards, we're chilling."
2. "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom."
While battling Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries, Albus Dumbledore didn't even break a sweat.
The Dark Lord was desperately trying to kill the Headmaster, and the latter was having a casual conversation with him and pointing out his stupidity in the meantime… And calling him just "Tom" all the way, of course.
1. "No, Draco. It is my mercy, and not yours, that matters now."
Even staring at the face of his wanna-be killer, unarmed and helpless, Albus Dumbledore kept his utter swagger.
The Headmaster spoke to Draco Malfoy in a calm and friendly tone and even offered his protection for the entire Malfoy family — his gracious mercy — all that under the direct threat of Avada Kedavra at any moment.