5 Most Uncomfortable and Cringey Moments in The White Lotus Season 3 So Far, Ranked

Mike White's series doesn't shy away from the most bizarre situations, but these 5 scenes were simply too much.
When The White Lotus Season 3 finally premiered, many fans of the franchise started claiming that the new chapter was not as entertaining as the previous ones and that the pacing of the season was strange and the characters were not engaging…
Well, we are sure that whoever felt that way has reconsidered after each new episode of the series. Season 3 is already proving to be at least as good as its predecessors, if not even more gripping and edgier. And the season is not over yet.
Every new episode takes the show to the next level of cringe, but these 5 scenes can easily be mentioned as the ones that made us fans feel the most uncomfortable watching TV series ever.
Let’s discuss all of them, from less cringe to unbearable.
5. Victoria and Kate’s Small Talk
In episode 2 we witness one of the most, if not the most awkward dialog in the entire series. It happens during breakfast when the Ratliff family is already eating and then they are approached by Kate. She wants to say hello to Victoria, because apparently they both went to the same baby shower of a mutual friend some time ago. However, Victoria's reaction was anything but friendly...
“It was so incredibly done and directed. I could feel myself juddering at the awkwardness. There’s definitely something about social standing here, or a case of one of them being an outcast in that precious setting. Victoria was so rude afterwards,” Redditor pfagan10 said.
4. The Trump Conundrum
Another (arguably) good one with Kate! In episode 3, the three friends, Laurie, Kate and JAclyn are talking during dinner, discussing their current lives, work and so on, and suddenly Kate and her life in Texas becomes the center of the conversation.
The two friends assume that it might be strange and even hard for her to live in a Republican-dominated state, so to speak. But then they realize that Kate might not share their political values.
When Laurie asks her directly if she voted for Donald Trump, Kate smiles and changes the subject. "Are we really going to talk about Trump tonight? This is a very nice church. It's not weird at all." Whatever you say, Kate…
3. Ratliff Family Patriarch’s Full Frontal Nudity
Jason Isaacs is amazing as Timothy Ratliff, there's no doubt about it. His portrayal of the father tortured by the secrets of his past behavior is perfect in a way that it doesn't give the viewer much to decide whether to love or hate him. You end up sympathizing with the character, but probably because you see that he is truly sorry for what his actions have caused.
However, he is not the best at handling the overwhelming news of his upcoming life changes, and in one episode, while dozing off on his wife's Lorazepam, he appeared crotch-naked in front of his family when his robe fell open. Cringey-cringe!
2. Sam Rockwell Monologue About Being an Asian Girl
Episode 5 was a real torture for all sensitive souls watching The White Lotus. And this particular scene had all the chances to end up as number 1 on this list if it weren't for what episode 6 revealed. When Rick met his friend Frank in Bangkok, he thought they were going to party all night, but instead Goggins' character was shocked at how his friend had changed.
Frank went on and on about his thoughts on sex, telling Rick how he would have sex with so many women, ladyboys, until one day he ended up as one of them. The monologue is absolutely wild and ends with his thoughts of wanting to become an Asian girl and being willing to be used sexually.
1. The Brotherly Smooch and What Followed…
Of course, we saw this coming since episode 1, but there was still hope that the writers wouldn't go as far as they did. Episode 5 opened the window to the creepiest incest storyline between two Ratliff brothers, and episode 6 made sure we knew there was more to it than a playful smooch.
Even more creepy, though, are the brothers' different reactions to the memory of the power. While Saxon can't stop throwing up, Lochlan's secret smile is truly evil.