TV Disney+ The Simpsons

5 Most Unsettling Episodes From The Simpsons Golden Era

5 Most Unsettling Episodes From The Simpsons Golden Era
Image credit: Fox

With big laughs come big cries, too.

The Simpsons is one of the most iconic animated series ever created. It is appreciated by adults and young children alike, although the latter probably don't understand half of what goes on in the series.

The show has proven to be an extremely entertaining watch, with all of the characters being there for comedic relief almost all of the time, but still sometimes providing viewers with deep and thought-provoking storylines.

For example, there are many episodes that focus on the importance of family and honesty. Although almost every episode we see Homer strangling Bart for some stupid thing he says, we also have episodes like when he encouraged his son, who was clearly bad at sports, to be the team leader.

There are also episodes that highlight other serious issues: corruption, health care, inability to change, fraud, marriage. In fact, since the show first aired in 1989, there's no way the writers missed any important area of life.

Having said that, there are many episodes in the 35 seasons of the show that are truly disturbing. Sometimes the writers of the show just put something in front of us with the humor sauce, but for any human being with a normal mental state, watching something like that can be stressful.

Here we have five most unsettling episodes of the Golden Era of the Simpsons that will make you nervously crumple a piece of paper.

It's important to note that while we've told you some truly awful stories, the show is mostly uplifting and always leaves you feeling like you've learned something.

If you want to revisit The Simpsons, you can stream it on Disney+.