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5 Movies That Predicted Our Dystopian Present With Terrifying Accuracy 

5 Movies That Predicted Our Dystopian Present With Terrifying Accuracy 
Image credit: Sony Pictures Releasing, United Artists, Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures

Ever wondered if movies could see into the future? Well, it turns out that some films were surprisingly accurate in predicting our present.

Usually, all the glory for predicting the future goes to writers and their creations. However, we are here to tell you that movies are by no means inferior when it comes to predictions. In fact, some of them have depicted our present so accurately that it makes us feel rather uncomfortable.

Artificial Intelligence, cataclysms – you name it. To some extent all of these things were already foreseen by screenwriters and directors years (even decades) ago.

Today we're diving into 5 terrifying movies that predicted our current problems and sins.

Her (2013)

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The loneliness epidemic has led people to build romantic relationships with AI.

Yes, that already sounds very familiar. And a brilliant writer and director, Spike Jonze, saw that coming back in the days when we were still figuring out Siri's basic functions.

Her showed us a future where AI companions would become so deeply integrated into our emotional lives that we forget about the real connection. And today, as we develop more and more intimate relationships with digital personas, this film feels less like science fiction and more like a documentary.

The movie captures our modern urban loneliness almost way too accurately. And for that alone, Her is worth watching. You can watch it on Apple TV+.

WALL-E (2008)

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Didn't know that a cartoon can be this accurate, but here we are.

And if you thought WALL-E was just another cute robot movie, think again, because this 2008 Pixar animation sent us an important warning about the future.

WALL-E depicted our world drowning in garbage, and back then it seemed like an exaggerated cautionary tale, but look at us now. As Ben Weinberg perfectly put it:

“You cannot argue against the fact that the creators of Wall-E were trying to warn the adults in the audience that this vision for humanity is a lot closer to reality than we would like to imagine.”

We really think it's time to revisit this childhood classic and look at it with our grown-up eyes. But prepare yourself to be absolutely shocked and terrified at the direction we're all heading. You can watch WALL-E now on Hulu and Apple TV+.

Network (1976)

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Back in 1976, Network was practically time-traveling. We can't explain the prediction it made any other way.

Long before reality TV and viral news segments, Network saw it coming. This dark satire predicted the rise of sensationalist media, as well as the complete transformation of news into entertainment. The film's famous “I'm mad as hell” scene feels like it could have been ripped from today's TV segments.

The blending of entertainment with journalism has become our everyday reality. The movie's fictional UBS network, with its shock-value programming, looks tame compared to some of today's real-world media outlets.

Head to Apple TV+ to watch this dark comedy that undeniably predicted that small (but somewhat disturbing) part of our future.

The Truman Show (1998)

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Just like with Network, people didn't think The Truman Show would turn out to be a prediction. Or, dare we say, a warning? Today, the concept of The Truman Show looks like a business model (looking at you, reality TV and social media influencers).

The film's premise of someone's entire life being broadcast for entertainment seemed absurd at the time. Fast forward to today, where we willingly broadcast our lives on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, and suddenly it doesn't seem so far-fetched.

We've all become willing participants in our own versions of The Truman Show, minus the set and hidden cameras – we bring our own. We don't need to be tricked like Truman, we ourselves are slowly giving away our privacy for obscure short-term emotional compensation.

You can rewatch The Truman Show for free right now on Hoopla. And if you haven't seen this classic, it's a great opportunity to catch up!

Gattaca (1997)

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The film is so good that even NASA said that it's the most accurate sci-fi ever made. While you're busy sending your DNA to ancestry websites, Gattaca tried to warn us about the darker side of genetic information.

The movie tells the story of a future where your genes determine your destiny (your job, your social status). With today's advances in CRISPR technology and the rise of genetic testing, the film's warnings about genetic discrimination feel more relevant than ever.

And the most unsettling part is that we've already seen hints of this genetic-based society emerging through genetic screening of embryos and DNA-based insurance considerations.

You can watch Gattaca right now on Apple TV+. And keep in mind that it was way ahead of its time.