5 Secondary MCU Villains Who Must Play a Larger Role in the Future

Over the years, Marvel has introduced dozens of terrifying, compelling, and unique villains — but some of them didn’t get enough screen time. These five totally deserve better!
5. Kaecilius from Doctor Strange ( 2016)
Let’s be blunt on this one. Kaecilius and his zealots were fantastic enemies with the potential to become standalone archvillains even without Dormammu. The haunting and scary mage, Kaecilius had compelling motives that were worth exploring more.
While we doubt it will ever happen, we would’ve loved to see him return from the Dark Dimension to continue his quest and become his own antagonist.
4. Justin Hammer from Iron Man 2 (2010)
Despite being the antagonist of Iron Man 2, Justin Hammer was more of a comic relief than a formidable villain, and we hate that fact. The second Iron Man movie was great but it did Hammer too dirty as he could’ve become a way more serious and devastating antagonist. A proper face-off with Tony Stark, no memes attached, would’ve been great…if not for Downey Jr.’s insane acting prices. [https://startefacts.com/news/real-reason-marvel-was-happy-to-drop-robert-downey-jr-s-iron-man_a132]
3. Arnim Zola from Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Today, the “AI mastermind behind an evil global plot” narrative has already become way too overused, but it was still executed beautifully with Arnim Zola in The Winter Soldier. However, we can’t help but feel that the AI overlord was severely underutilized, and his ultimate destruction was underwhelming. We’d all love a proper storyline with him, perhaps, as someone restores the AI data.
2. The Grandmaster from Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
The Grandmaster was quite a ride: despite being ruthlessly brutal to his prisoners and relatives and totally morally evil, he had a distinct dark charm to him. His powers deserved a bigger use, too, and we would’ve loved to watch him properly antagonize a big-name hero. Perhaps, in a prequel movie or series, seeing that the Grandmaster lost his powers in the finale of Ragnarok.
1. Ulysses Klaue from Black Panther (2018)
The movie version of Ulysses was incredibly underwhelming power-wise, paling in comparison with how the villain was in the comics. Despite being just a small-time criminal, Ulysses was an undeniably charming and very humane character, and we would’ve loved to see more of him. Perhaps, one of the MCU shows about smaller-scale heroes could have him as an antagonist?