5 Supernatural Easter Eggs You Might Have Easily Missed On First Watch

5 Supernatural Easter Eggs You Might Have Easily Missed On First Watch
Image credit: The CW

How can one show reference Batman, The Simpsons and The Walking Dead?

Whether you're watching Supernatural for the first time or you're on your yet another re-watch, there's always something new to catch. The show is full of great Easter eggs and nods to other shows and movies.

Some of them are super obvious, some are kind of subtle, and some are just downright funny.

Red Hood

In the 14th episode titled Mint Condition, there's a scene set in a comic shop. Among the many action figures, one stands out: Red Hood, a Batman character. Jensen Ackles, who portrayed Dean, actually voiced this very character in the animated movie Batman: Under The Red Hood. Jensen later voiced Batman in Batman: The Long Halloween.

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The Simpsons

You think The Simpsons wouldn’t get a mention in Supernatural? In the episode Something Wicked from season 1, Sam researches a monster in three peculiar cities: Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook. These very three cities are where monorails were sold in the Marge vs. the Monorail Simpsons episode.

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Family Guy

In the 17th episode of season 8, there's a golden moment where every time Meg (played by Rachel Miner) speaks, the brothers respond with "Shut up, Meg!" For those in the know, this is straight-up referencing the animated series Family Guy.

In Family Guy, Meg Griffin gets the same line thrown at her, especially by her lovably clueless dad, Peter.


This one is for The Walking Dead fans. We all know Jeffrey Dean Morgan participated in both shows, and the Supernatural team couldn't resist throwing in a crossover-ish easter egg.

In a memorable scene, Dean strides in wielding the infamous baseball bat, Lucille, cheekily commenting, "Man, dad loved this thing." Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character in The Walking Dead Negan, is obsessed with this bat.

Waxy Memories

In the 5th episode of season 5, Paris Hilton makes an unexpected cameo, but there's also a fun twist. Jared Padalecki and Paris co-starred in the 2005 horror movie House of Wax.

So, when Dean remarks he's never seen that movie, it's a cheeky nudge to the audience.