5 Surprising Game of Thrones Characters Ruined by the Show (No, Not Lady Stoneheart!)

Game of Thrones is a great show...that severely butchered some of the books' most iconic characters. And we're not talking about the ones everyone's talking about.
5. Jaime Lannister
In Game of Thrones, Jaime Lannister is a phenomenal character. As viewers, we get to see his growth and development and embark on an amazing journey with him...only to see that in the end, it took him right back where he started.The book Jaime would never return back to Cersei after all he's been through: his entire story shows him straying confidently away from her as the manifestation of his crooked past.
4. Doran Martell
Now, this man was straight-up butchered in the show, wasn't he? Indecisive, weak, and almost insignificant, in Game of Thrones, Doran Martell is no real player in the Game. In the books, on the other hand, he's exactly that: a cunning, patient ruler with iron will who's set up a decades-long plan to avenge his sister and waits for the right moment to strike. The book Doran is a true menace and a significant power not to mess with.
3. Stannis Baratheon
The Game of Thrones Stannis got half the fans simping for him, and for a good reason — but what many of you don't realize is that if he was closer to his book version, he would've had the entire fandom in his pocket. In the books, Stannis is a noble man with a grim sense of humor who tries to find the balance between the right and the efficient... and definitely doesn't fall for Melisandre's manipulations so easily. No, the book Stannis actually has his own mind.
2. Barristan Selmy
If you ask a show fan who Barristan Selmy was, they would most likely call him "the best swordsman in Westeros and Daenerys's close advisor." While this is true in the books, too, the book Barristan is much more than that. He's a man of his own, and he often has to make tough moral choices. He guides Dany through gray areas and helps the people of Meereen... Seven Hells, he even has his own POV chapters!
1. Euron Greyjoy
Much like with Doran Martell, we were straight-up robbed of this character's true greatness in the show. Game of Thrones showed us a swashbuckling pirate who wants to marry his way to the Iron Throne. In the books, though, Euron Greyjoy is not just a pirate warlord: he's a warlock and a blood sorcerer so mysterious and creepy he needs his own book. The book Euron is way darker and bloodier, and whenever he enters the page you can't help but shiver. He's definitely no ordinary pirate, mind you.