5 Teen Drama TV Shows With Very Questionable Life Lessons

Parental advisory is definitely needed.
With how dedicated and loyal teen and young adult audiences can be to the stories they love, it's no surprise huge networks are open to catering specifically to them.
Hunger Games, Twilight, Divergent, and many more stories all proved that success lies in winning over the young masses.
Given how dedicated and loyal teen and young adult audiences can be to the stories they love, it's no surprise that major networks are open to catering specifically to them.
The Hunger Games, Twilight, Divergent, and many more stories have proven that success lies in winning over the young masses.
However, when creating something for younger and more impressionable people, you also have to be more responsible in the messages you convey through the characters.
While there have been some great shows that have done justice to the younger generation and taught them important values, others have had not-so-proud moments in their time.
Here are 5 TV shows that sent some very harmful messages to their younger audiences:
Putting Debby Ryan in a fat suit is just one of the crimes this show is guilty of. Another is the way they tell the story of the main character, Patty, who gives in to the bullies and changes her whole life for the pageants.
This show is basically two seasons of fatphobia combined into one series that was pretty much destroyed by critics.
This period of romantic drama would be fine considering the historical place it takes. However, with the modern spin Shondaland has put on it, you'd think they'd stay away from any kind of forced sexual relationship.
However, the first season still featured an episode where Daphne basically forced Simon to not pull out in time.
Although this show doesn't focus as much on the relationship, it also produced a very disturbing one.
Nancy deciding to date Jonathan in season 2 after he admitted to basically stalking her before seems like a very bad example of a relationship for the younger girls to absorb. She should have stayed away from him.
Riverdale may be one of the most unrealistic portrayals of teenagers on television today, but that doesn't excuse Betty Cooper from stripping in a room full of adults.
This is not behavior for a 16-year-old and definitely creeped out the majority of viewers.
Another show that is very far from the reality of any high school. There are too many moments that gave the audience an ick, but one of the worst would be Blake confessing to being sexually assaulted by his much older babysitter.
The reactions of his clubmates are quite realistic, but still very disgusting because they don't understand the trauma it caused.