5 Things Even Long-Time Blue Bloods Fans Can't Help but Complain About

5 Things Even Long-Time Blue Bloods Fans Can't Help but Complain About
Image credit: CBS

Blue Bloods has been a staple part of our TV diet for over a decade and has a large following of loyal fans.

But even they can't stand some things about the show:


In some ways, it stands to reason that a family such as the Reagans that knows nothing other than this one role in life will be quite one-dimensional. But with Blue Bloods, it seems that everything is the same every week. The storylines are pretty similar, none of the Reagans ever step out of their comfort zones, and even the criminals and other detectives just seem to be copied and pasted from one episode to the next.

Linda's death

How Amy Carlson Really Felt About Her Character Being Killed Off on Blue Bloods

Badly written, barely mentioned and a pretty poor ending for one of the show's major characters. Linda's death, more than anything else, left fans fuming and turned some away from the show altogether.

Those family dinners

On the subject of predictability, those Sunday evening dinners are just a bit too twee. The whole concept is outdated and, used in the way it is as part of a TV show, it all feels a little forced. One thing you can always guarantee is that one of the key characters will have something profound to say which is often a bit sickly. And anyway, do none of them ever work a late shift on a Sunday?

5 Things Even Long-Time Blue Bloods Fans Can't Help but Complain About - image 1

Outdated concepts

Nothing about the show feels modern. But it's not a historic cop show. And this is more than a little jarring. Firstly, every single case seems to be solved using old-fashioned police work. This is simply not possible in the modern age and doesn't make for a contemporary TV show. If there was tension between the various generations, that might create something that examines the transition of power in police forces. But they're all pretty much clones of each other.

And if you're looking for outdated concepts in a cop show, make every dissenting voice a manipulative, trouble-making person of colour. Which is pretty much what Blue Bloods has done.

Self-righteous cops

Every Reagan is self-righteous despite being pretty free with the procedure and lawful tactics when it suits them.

But Danny is by far the most irritating in this regard. Not only is he always right, but he never has to even contemplate facing the consequences of unethical police work. And his younger brother is just as bad. It's almost as if the writers deliberately set out to create that young upstart police officer that everybody hates. And if they did, they've failed to build any kind of storyline around it and have ended up with nothing more than an unlikeable character.

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