5 TV Shows That Nailed Their Pilot Episodes (You'll Want To Watch More)

Prepare for the binge-watching party.
Sometimes it's very hard to get into a new show after finishing one.
Not only are you still hooked on the storyline and have the memory of the beloved characters stuck in your head, but you also have to start with the pilot, which is usually not up to the quality of the rest of the show.
However, there are some shows that have done well and released pilots that perfectly match the rest of the series and immediately draw you in.
Here are 5 TV series you must try if you find yourself walking away after the first episode far too often.
How To Get Away With Murder
Interested in detectives and want to join a group of young adult law students who find themselves in a very disturbing situation? This ABC drama is for you.
From the first few minutes, you'll feel like you're in the same class as Professor Annalise Keating, portrayed by the brilliant Viola Davies, whose husband is murdered.
If you are into medical dramas like Grey's Anatomy, you need to watch the one that almost created the genre. ER is admittedly one of the best medical shows out there, and it became as successful as it did for a very good reason.
Not every show starts with a suicide attempt by one of the main characters, but ER does, and it certainly sets up the intensity for the rest of the show.
There is a good reason why the pilot of the most popular fantasy drama of its time had such a huge budget: it had to set the show up for success.
And it did, as many viewers could not stop watching until the mystery of the Oceanic Flight 815 crash was solved, no matter how sordid the behind-the-scenes drama got.
If you are looking for something a little more lighthearted, this show is for you. The pilot episode of Modern Family perfectly captures the essence of the show and introduces the main characters in a way that you will never want to leave.
All deeply flawed and sometimes nonsensical, but extremely relatable and funny individuals, they will make you want to join the family.
This TV show wastes no time in showing how intense the rest of the show is going to be. As newcomer Quinn Perkins is thrust into the fold, Washington, D.C.-based crisis manager Olivia Pope negotiates with those holding an infant hostage.
There is so much more to say about this pilot, but best to watch it for yourself.