5 Worst The Big Bang Theory Running Gags, Ranked By Reddit

5 Worst The Big Bang Theory Running Gags, Ranked By Reddit
Image credit: CBS

These jokes got tired way too fast.

The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom known for its many pop culture references, guest cameos, and brilliant jokes that jump off the page and into the everyday vocabulary of viewers. However, not every joke stuck with the audience. In fact, some of them felt tired and overused by the time the show reached its finish line.

Here are 5 running gags that Reddit fans of The Big Bang Theory found unnecessary, ranked from least to most annoying

5. Sheldon’s Infamous Insults

Can you even call it a joke when no one seems to be laughing? Well, that's exactly what fans were thinking about Sheldon's unique and borderline offensive way of communicating after Season 1 ended. He may not get all the social cues, but after being around people for so long, he should have learned something.

4. Is Raj Gay?

When the show first started, the topic of sexuality was handled differently across television. In the mid-2000s, LGBTQA+ characters were the punching bags, and even those who were straight but didn't conform to all the social norms of heterosexuality still got their fair share of insults. The problem fans had was that this attitude towards Raj continued into the newer seasons.

3. Amy’s Obsession With Penny

A question about the fine line between mocking homosexuality and straight-up (no pun intended) stalking. While The Big Bang Theory allowed the creepy characters of all genders to stay, it didn't make their behavior normal. Amy's "girl crush" on Penny was really creepy and annoying at times, especially after Penny let it be known that she wasn't okay with it.

2. Stuart’s Self Pity

One of the characters who got the short end of the stick throughout the series is Stewart. He was always awkward but had the confidence and charm that made him interesting. Afflicted with depression, he became a pathetic blob, constantly insulting himself, and it was not entertaining to watch.

1. Penny Being Too Good For Leonard

The more the show tried to force this idea on the fans, the more they resisted it. Though Penny was always beautiful, she didn't have her life together before Leonard stepped in. Their relationship was mutually beneficial, but it was treated as a charity by everyone on the outside, and that still angers fans to this day.

Source: Reddit

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