7 Best Studio Ghibli Movies & Where to Stream Them in 2024

Studio Ghibli carved its name in the Hall of Fame of Pop Culture by bringing very multi-layered stories into the world through the medium of carefully stylized animation.
Their works are loved by people all over the world, and we tried to rank the most popular of them.
Movies done by Studio Ghibli are the ones that solidified the presence of Japanese animation in the Western market and changed the way it's perceived: these are not just cartoons, but something more.
They make perfect family movies, although some of them are quite violent and probably not recommended for young kids. But the way that the plot is constructed allows people of all ages to find something that will captivate them. Certain plot points feel different for viewers of different generations, but that doesn't change the fact that all audiences enjoy them.
This layered structure, combined with the unique art style and fluid animation with divine soundtracks creates a whole solid experience that tries to approach difficult problems in an easily digestible way.
Studio Ghibli can explore absolutely devastating concepts in its works but approaches them through the lenses that make these concepts more understandable. That's what we love about it.