TV Game of Thrones

7 Burning Mysteries Game of Thrones Never Unveiled (And Never Will)

7 Burning Mysteries Game of Thrones Never Unveiled (And Never Will)
Image credit: HBO

What did the spirals mean and what was Tyrion's joke about?

Game of Thrones has come to an end four years ago after 8 seasons and 73 episodes. The finale left a lot of questions unanswered: dissatisfied fans even started a petition asking for a remake of the final season, but apparently they did not get their way.

Here are just seven questions that fans would like to see answered.

1. Why was the legend of Azor Ahai so important?

An incredibly interesting and mysterious character Game of Thrones is Azor Ahai. According to the prophecies, he will be reborn as the prince that was promised.

Everyone waited for his arrival and came up with various theories. However, the story was never completed, and no Azor Ahai ever appeared.

2. Where is Nymeria?

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Nymeria was Arya's direwolf, last seen in season 7. She just left and hasn't been mentioned since. Perhaps the reason for her disappearance is the same as the Ghost's minimal involvement in the show: using CGI to create direwolves was incredibly expensive.

3. Is Ellaria Sand alive?

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Most likely, Ellaria is dead, but we will not know the exact answer. The last time we saw her was in the dungeons of Westeros in season 7.

However, Cersei vowed to keep her alive so that she would suffer. But with the Red Keep reduced to rubble, it's unlikely that she survived.

4. Arya must have closed the green eyes. Who did they belong to?

According to Melisandre's prophecy, Arya will close many eyes forever: brown, blue, green. Meryn Trant and Walder Frey, whom she killed, had brown eyes, the Night King had blue eyes, but the green eyes remained open.

Many thought it was Cersei, but she was killed by the ceiling. Daenerys also had green eyes, but it wasn't Arya who killed her.

5. So who was the Night King?

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There have been many theories and speculations, but the show has never revealed the origin of the Night King. We can only assume that he was just some random guy tied to a tree and stabbed with dragonglass.

6. And what did his spiral-shaped signs mean?

Throughout the series, the Night King left messages in the form of spiral-like symbols. This sign was seen quite often, but its meaning was never explained.

7. What was the punchline of Tyrion’s joke about a jackass and a honeycomb?

In the series finale, Tyrion for the third time tries to tell a joke about a jackass and a honeycomb, but unfortunately the writers did not give him a chance to finish the sentence. It looks like the world will never know how this story ended.