7 Most Controversial Opinions on Friends That Will Change Your Perspective On The Show

Unpopular fan opinions that actually make sense.
Friends was a major sitcom from 1994 to 2004 and it still remains iconic to this day. Despite its enduring popularity, there are a number of controversial opinions about the show.
Here are 7 of our favorite and the most hotly debated ones.
1. Ross and Rachel Were Not Meant To Be Together
Although Ross and Rachel's on-again, off-again romance was a major plot point of the show, many fans argue that the two were not a good match.
While Rachel evolved from a spoiled fashionista to a responsible mother and career woman, Ross froze into a stage of a pretty whiny, entitled, and self-centered teenager.
They never seemed to have a chemistry between each otter and Rachel definitely should not have ditched her new job in Paris for Ross.
2. Emily's Feelings Mattered
Somehow, the showrunners made us believe that Emily's reaction after Ross' wedding failure was a little too much, but in fact, it was more than just okay.
From the very beginning, she was the victim of a take-the-Rachel situation, and her wish for Ross to give up all relationships with his friend was valid.
3. The Show Romanticizes Unhealthy Behavior
Many of the characters exhibited unhealthy behaviors, such as Ross' possessiveness over Rachel, Monica's obsession with cleanliness, or Joey's unhealthy desire of objectifying women.
It's all fun and jokes until you realize that these habits could become the topics for their counseling sessions.
4. Rachel And Joey Were Out Of Blue
Yes, they turned out to be a pretty cute couple, but the whole storyline felt far-fetched. Joe's charm and Rachel's maturity could make things work for them, but the whole relationship ended as quickly as it started.
What was the point of it again?
5. Ross And Rachel Were On A Break
Stop debating, the answer is here — Ross and Rachel were on a break. But it is still a dumb move to sleep with a girl hours after ending a relationship.
Ross just gave us one more reason to consider him a bad boyfriend and a horrible match for any nice girl.
6. Janice Wasn't Annoying
She was actually a very nice woman who wanted to get closer to her boyfriend's best friends. There was no need to treat her like the group did and certainly Chandler had to put more effort in protecting his girlfriend.
She didn't deserve all that hate.
7. Phoebe Is The Worst Friend Of The Group
Despite her quirky and loyal personality, many of the things she does in her friendship with other characters are unhealthy.
She is often very rude to her friends, making inappropriate comments about their looks or behavior, and she simply never keeps the secrets she is told.
It looks like Phoebe is drastically lacking an important part of any friendship — empathy.