Andor Must Include This Iconic Part of Star Wars in Season 2

Andor Must Include This Iconic Part of Star Wars in Season 2
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's not like the show is not iconic already, but...

Even though the prequels got their dose of hate at the turn of the century, it didn't change the fact that the trilogy is still iconic.

And while it took audiences a long time to come to terms with the political intrigue in the films about Anakin's growing up, they are now looking forward to the return of the Senate to the big screen.

The Andor series, a highly anticipated Star Wars spin-off, has fans eagerly awaiting the release of season 2.

The desire for more Senate scenes has sparked discussion and speculation about the many elements fans hope to see in the next installment.

The Senate has always played an important role in the Star Wars universe since the prequels, where it was portrayed as a political hub where important decisions were made.

The trilogy shed light on the workings of the Senate, showing its complexity, corruption, and manipulation. This rich background has piqued the interest of fans who crave a deeper understanding of the galaxy's political landscape.

Senate scenes offer an excellent opportunity for character development and world-building.

Exploring the Senate in the series could provide valuable context for the events leading up to the Rebellion, clarify the motivations of characters like Mon Mothma, and deepen our understanding of the George Lucas' universe.

Fans of A Galaxy Far, Far Away thrive on nostalgia and appreciate callbacks to the trilogy. Senate scenes would evoke a sense of familiarity, recalling the political discussions we saw in the prequels.

Nods to beloved characters like Bail Organa or even a young Leia could add a layer of fan service and connect Andor to the wider Star Wars mythology.

Many viewers also want to know why Mon Mothma left the Senate, since she was already leading the rebellion in Rogue One.

Audiences note that the main idea of the series, when applied to the real world, is to oppose totalitarian ideologies. It will be interesting to see where that line goes.

"…There's such a heavy storyline regarding fascism and its means and ability to take over functioning democracies, there will most likely be direct analogies to our current world right now and the fascist movements around the planet," Redditor TheDancingRobot said.

While the fate of Andor's Senate scenes remains uncertain, fans' hopes and expectations for their inclusion are based on valid reasons.

Whether for character development, world-building, or nostalgia, these moments could provide a rich and rewarding experience that allows viewers to delve deeper into the political landscape of the Star Wars galaxy.

Source: Reddit