Andor S2 Needs One Particular Death Scene to Happen to Become Star Wars' Greatest Show

Andor S2 Needs One Particular Death Scene to Happen to Become Star Wars' Greatest Show
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Star Wars universe is full of twists and turns, and one of the latest rumors to surface is that the leader of the Rebellion will die in season 2, making the series more morally gray and iconic than ever.

Redditor RemoteLaugh156 made a suggestion about Luthen's fate. It seems to the fan that the Rebel environment may be involved in the character's death.

The theory is that Luthen, Cassian, and the other fighters will go on a mission where they will again have limited time and only one shot to accomplish the objective.

The Star Wars universe is used to such conditions, so these events are quite possible. It is likely that something will go wrong during one of the operations, and Luthen will be wounded.

But since the rebels are trained to believe achieving a goal is more important than human life, Cassian and his partners may simply let their leader die.

According to the fan, Luthen will be lying on the ground in his final scene, enjoying the sunset.

The viewer thinks it fits nicely with the character's monologue: "I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I'll never see," and gives the audience a very cool Rogue One reference.

At the end of the movie, Cassian and Jyn Erso were on the beach enjoying the sunset until a blast from the Death Star destroyed the planet.

Fans love the idea, even though it makes them very sad. Some point out that Star Wars often brings characters back, so you can't be sure Luthen won't reappear on screen even if he dies in Andor.

For example, in the legendary Ben Kenobi series, no one was surprised by the fan service "Hello there" from the famous Jedi, and in the prequels, Qui-Gon proved: nothing disappears without a trace in the franchise.

However, fans are hoping that the showrunners can give one of the most enigmatic characters in Star Wars an unforgettable ending.

Season 2 of Andor is rumored to be released in the summer of 2024. But due to the writers' strike, the dates may change.

Source: Reddit