Another Cult Vampire Flick TV Remake in the Works — Fans Already Put a Stake in It

Another Cult Vampire Flick TV Remake in the Works — Fans Already Put a Stake in It
Image credit: Legion-Media

Do we really need another adaptation of the cult work?

Owning the rights to a number of famous movie monsters, Universal has from time to time tried to revive one or another classic hero or villain. In 2004, on the wave of success of the Mummy movies, Dracula and Frankenstein were pulled out of a dusty closet and director Stephen Sommers was given the task of combining them into one movie.

The merger took place in the fantasy action film Van Helsing, which pitted the title character against the Transylvanian vampire. The steampunk-style film initially disappointed critics and failed to impress viewers — Van Helsing now has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 24% and 57% respectively.

Van Helsing Has Become a Cult Project Over the Years

Over time, however, the film gained a cult following, with audiences appreciating that the Hugh Jackman flick was more reminiscent of an old-fashioned comic book movie, with all of your favorite heroes and villains on the big screen, than the works of Bram Stoker.

In addition to Van Helsing and Dracula, there were werewolves, Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, and many other characters from old gothic horror movies.

Van Helsing Will Soon Get a Remake at CBS

Another Cult Vampire Flick TV Remake in the Works — Fans Already Put a Stake in It - image 1

Now Van Helsing is getting a remake. The cult character of gothic fantasy is returning to the small screen — CBS has launched a series about Abraham Van Helsing in development. It was decided to leave the Gothic castles: the events of the plot will take place in our time.

The plot will revolve around Dr. Van Helsing, who solves horrible murders in New York thanks to his own skills and non-trivial mind. His ex-girlfriend, FBI Special Agent Mina Harker, will help him.

Fans Are Disappointed with the News

Another Cult Vampire Flick TV Remake in the Works — Fans Already Put a Stake in It - image 2

However, fans were not pleased with the news — they fear that the story of the iconic character will be turned into another faceless, gray procedural that CBS is unfortunately known for.

“So it's basically Elementary but with Van Helsing and Mina Harker instead of Sherlock and Joan Watson,” Reddit user Natsu111 wrote.

And that's a very accurate observation, since the series is produced by Rob Doherty, who previously adapted the adventures of Sherlock Holmes in Elementary. Only, Van Helsing's distinguishing feature has never been a shrewd mind — in the aforementioned movie, for example, he was a guy who didn't think long before chopping someone's head off.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves and who knows, maybe CBS will win us over this time. The project has no release date yet.