As General Hospital Is Getting Soapy Again, It’s Time to Introduce a New Real Villain

No, Heather doesn’t count.
One of the best things about soap operas is how unapologetically absurd they can get without the need to break any universe's rules. The genre itself dictates one simple rule: anything is possible – and excited writers often come up with the most mind-blowing scenarios to keep things interesting.
At some point, General Hospital was not an exception. Of course, the show still isn’t afraid to use some of the soapiest cliches, like bringing its beloved characters back to life, but that alone with no stakes attached doesn’t make viewers any more excited to watch. A good old crazy villain, however, could’ve done the trick.
General Hospital’s Worst Ever Villains
Even though the soap is supposed to take place in a realistic setting of a small town called Port Charles, there has never been anything real about it. And the fans would prefer to keep it that way instead of lowering the level of drama and settling for years of little everyday squabbles that go nowhere.
For a long time now, General Hospital has been a story about Sonny and Carly trying to balance their personal lives with a little cheating on the side. Do these stories have a right to exist? Of course they do, but they don't have to be the focus of an entire soap. The more the show tried to be relatable, the less the audience cared.
Now that the soap has managed to regain viewers' attention with a crazy love triangle between Drew, his short-lived enemy-to-lover Nina, and her daughter Willow, it's time to spew even more chaos. Port Charles hasn't seen a real psycho villain in a long time, and now is the perfect time to bring one in.
While Laura is on a mission to get ex-supervillain Heather Webber out of prison, Portia is dead set against it, and viewers are inclined to side with her. Though her run was fun for a while, Heather's entire crazy nature was explained by a toxic hip replacement, which made her story instantly boring.
Instead of finding ways to redeem its villains, General Hospital needs to let them be as chaotic and insane as they need to be before writing them off. From Helena Cassadine to even Jerry Jax, that's how the show has operated for years, and fans really miss it today.
To see how life goes on in Port Charles right now, be sure to tune in to General Hospital Monday through Friday on ABC.