TV The Office Jim Carrey

Biggest Office Plot Holes That You Might Have Missed

Biggest Office Plot Holes That You Might Have Missed
Image credit: Legion-Media

With a lot of improvisation by the actors on the show, the writers seem to have decided to improvise a bit as well.

The Office has undoubtedly secured its place as one of the most popular sitcoms of all time. However, even the most popular TV show can suffer from a few inaccuracies during its 8-year run.

Here are some plot holes that occurred throughout the series and went unnoticed even by die-hard fans.

Andy's Parents

Not only were the actors portraying Andy Bernard's parents replaced after the episode in which he proposed to Angela, but they also suddenly changed their names.

After introducing his parents as Andrew and Ellen Bernard in the episode Goodbye Bobby, Andy reveals in later seasons that his original name was Walter Jr., named after his father.

And guess what, in a later episode, Andy's parents are introduced again, but this time as Walter and Ellen Bernard.

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Who Started First

This plot hole that left us scratching our heads. In a Season 2 episode, Jim admits to having a crush on Pam when she started working at Dunder Mifflin, implying that he already worked there.

However, in Season 4, Pam remembers warning Jim about Dwight on his first day, implying that Pam started before him. So who the hell started first?

Michael's Bike

In a memorable Christmas episode of The Office Season 3, Michael confidently rides a bike into the office to show off his biking skills.

In Season 7, however, Michael is shown to be unable to ride a bike, prompting Pam and Jim to give him lessons. So was it a one-day Christmas miracle or something?

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Jim Carrey

In several episodes, including Back from Vacation and New Boss, Michael mentions his love for Jim Carrey and his work.

However, no one recognizes the iconic actor when he appears in the Search Committee episode as one of the candidates for the Regional Manager position.

Pam And Volleyball

In the season 5 finale of The Office, when all the branches get together and have a volleyball competition, Pam reveals her volleyball skills, claiming that she played the game all her life and attended summer camps for it.

However, in Season 4, during a career fair at her high school, Pam admits to faking PMS to avoid playing volleyball in gym class.

So did the old Pam really play volleyball, or did the writers screw up again?