Bizarre Grey's Anatomy Pairing The Writers Want Us to Forget

When it comes to Grey's Anatomy, many fans will argue that after 19 seasons of drama, love, and heartbreak, there will never be a more iconic duo than Meredith and Derek.
Not only were they each strong, complex characters and gifted surgeons, but they also shared an intense chemistry and a love that many would envy. Fans were devastated when Derek passed away after an accident and questioned whether Meredith would ever open her heart up to another man.
Over time, Meredith does begin to allow herself to form romantic connections with other characters, but one particular potential relationship left fans with all kinds of questions, from its start to its very odd and abrupt end.
During season 15, Meredith's love interest was none other than the character that fans refer to as a Ken Doll, Dr. Lincoln, or "Link." The dashing blonde Link wasn't her only love interest, he was just one part of what ended up being a love triangle that included Dr. Andrew DeLuca.
From the start, it feels like there is a lack of chemistry between Meredith and DeLuca or Meredith and Link, although she and DeLuca share a moment in the elevator and he seems like he could potentially challenge her to step out of her comfort zone. Link on the other hand continually lacks any spark between him and Meredith. Their pairing simply made no sense, their interactions felt awkward and forced and they would never really work out as Meredith is too dark and complicated for the sweet, happy-go-lucky Link.
Thankfully, just ask quickly as their coupling began, it ended, with Meredith standing Link up. She sits on the roof giggling with DeLuca as Link waits for her in a restaurant, not a good move on Meredith's part. Although fans were relieved to see the end of the Meredith-DeLuca-Link triangle, what followed had them scratching their heads even more.
It is almost like the writers of Grey's Anatomy want fans to forget that anything ever happened between Meredith and Link because their situation is never brought up again. Link never confronts Meredith for standing him up, there isn't even any awkwardness between them, and that whole situation is forgotten.
Then, to complicate the situation even more, Link moves on to pursue Amelia, and nothing is said to her about his and Meredith's short "fling."
It feels like Grey's writers realized the whole Meredith-Link situation was a sinking ship and abandoned the plot completely. There was never a conclusion to their story, it was simply dropped on the spot, however, fans will probably never forget the senseless and confusing pairing by the writers, although some probably really want to.