Brandon Not Dating Andrea is Beverly Hills 90210's Biggest Missed Opportunity

Cult 90's show made the grave mistake of not allowing its best characters to be together.
Fox's wildly popular series about the lives of twins Brandon and Brenda, who move to Beverly Hills from Minnesota, has never shied away from covering controversial themes, tackling topics such as teenage drug addiction, homophobia, teen pregnancy and AIDS.
That's why, despite its venerable age, Beverly Hills 90210 remains beloved today, as fans and critics alike welcome the series even thirty years after its release.
However, cult status doesn't mean that the series was perfect, and one missed opportunity by the writers proves that perfectly.
From the very first episode, Brandon has shown himself to be the typical hot popular guy that every girl in his school wants to date.
So, everyone was very surprised when Brandon himself fell in love with Andrea, a beautiful, though rather nerdy girl.
The two have become one of the biggest will-they, won't-they couples in the series, often allowing viewers to think that they will definitely be together in the future.
Despite his jock status, Brandon was a rather gentle and caring guy, and these qualities blossomed beautifully into something more when Andre was around him.
Bradon clearly had a crush on her, often tried to kiss her and wished to start dating her.
But for some reason Andrea always refused, making Bradon jealous when other guys tried to get to know her better.
For a while, it seemed like the writers were just building up the suspense, but after a while, it became painfully obvious that Bradon and Andrea would never be together.
Andrea met Jessie and got pregnant, ruining once and for all any prospect of her and Bradon being together. And what a huge missed opportunity that was!
The chemistry between the two was incredible, and Brandon never looked happier with any girl than he did with Andrea.
Although the series ended more than two decades ago, the thought of Brandon and Andrea not being together is painful even now.
For some inexplicable reason, the writers just ruined one of Beverly Hills 90210's best romantic couples.