Buck. Is. Dead: How 911 Nearly Gave Their Fans A Heart Attack

An alternate universe might be fun, but the fans prefer the one in which Evan Buckley is alive and well.
Without a doubt, one of the most beloved 9-1-1 characters is Evan Buckley. His dedication to his job, his bravery, his vulnerability, and his soft spot for his family are what make him so likable and relatable to viewers.
First seen in the show's Pilot and remaining throughout all 6 seasons, he came close to dying more than once, but always managed to come back gloriously.
However, the episode In A Flash, which aired on March 6, put Buck's life in very serious danger. Not many people could survive being struck by lightning, as even the strongest are weak in the face of nature.
Fearing the worst for Buckley, not only the fans watching at home were frightened and confused.
Oliver Stark, who portrays the character in the show, admitted in his interview with TV Line that he was warned about the upcoming tragedy and knew exactly what was coming next.
Although watching "Buck. Is. Dead" at the very end of the last episode's script might have been quite unsettling.
Stark also reported that he got a lot of questions from the cast and crew of the show! They were luckier than the fans, as the actor was able to immediately assure them of his comeback.
The fans were less fortunate and had to wait a week to find out if Buck was in good enough shape for life.
This week's episode, however, came as a pleasant surprise, with Buck being a central character. We, the viewers, got to see what Buck's life would be like if he never joined the team and never became a first responder.
"The show is definitely not going to skip over this too quickly. He came really, really close to dying, which is a very sobering experience.
And although it's positive in the sense that he survived, it's certainly going to make him reflect on who he is and who he wants to be," the actor said, reflecting on the episode and suggesting how it will impact the future of Evan Buckley.
Whatever decisions Buck might have to face in the future, fans are very relieved to see him live and his storyline continue. To follow what comes next tune in on Mondays from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. ET on Fox.