TV Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire Fans Were Ridiculously Wrong About Brett and Casey's Fate

Chicago Fire Fans Were Ridiculously Wrong About Brett and Casey's Fate
Image credit: NBC

Knowing what we know now about Brett and Casey's upcoming wedding, it's funny to read through fans' older speculations and theories about the couple's future.


  • Jesse Spencer (Matt Casey) announced his quit from Chicago Fire two years ago.
  • Most fans believed that for Casey and Brett, that spelled break-up and terrible finale.
  • Against all odds, the couple pulled through, and in S12E6, we’ll witness their wedding.

Chicago Fire’s getting ready to say farewell to one of its best romantic couples: Matt Casey and Sylvie Brett will marry in Season 12 Episode 6 and both leave the show. These two have come a long way throughout the past few seasons, and their love withstood numerous storms… But admittedly, few fans have ever believed in them.

Chicago Fire Fans Didn’t Believe in Brett and Casey

Two years ago, Jesse Spencer announced his leave from Chicago Fire for the first time, and that caused a big issue. While his Matt Casey could be replaced in Firehouse 51, he couldn’t be replaced in two other places: in fans’ hearts and minds and in his relationship with Sylvie Brett that only just (finally!) formed then.

Most fans didn’t expect Casey and Brett to pull off a long-distance relationship like that, and when Spencer’s determination to leave became all too apparent, they called for a break-up.

“I just don’t know how you go from when they confess their love <...> to them breaking up. Thought for sure they were endgame,” a Chicago Fire fan confessed on the show’s subreddit.

They were far from alone in their estimations.

“The break-up is pretty high-chance. Feels strange they didn't go back to the firehouse together and had almost no interaction during their stay in the house… It's like they are on the verge of breaking up or had broken up [already] but decided to keep it a secret because of the wedding,” jass1004 pointed out.

Fans Were Wrong about Brettsey in the End

Chicago Fire Fans Were Ridiculously Wrong About Brett and Casey's Fate - image 1

Despite all the grim predictions and speculations that Matt and Sylvie might have even broken up already, the couple managed to stay together. It wasn’t exactly easy for them, to say the least, but they pulled through and ended up where most fans couldn’t envision them two years ago: at the wedding altar, standing side by side.

We’re just as heartbroken as you are about Sylvie Brett leaving the show for good; and we’re even more heartbroken since their wedding might become the last episode for Casey, too. But hey, at least these two got their happily ever after. The odds were not in their favor, but true love stays strong even in a storm.