Cringiest Friends Episode Fans Can't Help But Skip on Rewatch

Some things just don't age well.
Friends might be your favorite iconic sitcom, but there are certainly some episodes that are way too cringe to rewatch, and Redditors think they found an episode that is simply too much.
It turns out that the majority of the fandom really hates rewatching the fourth season's episode 16, The One With The Fake Party, because seriously, what was going on with Rachel for these 22 minutes?
For those who might have forgotten (or skipped) the episode: it's the one when Rachel, still pursuing her work crush Joshua, throws a party to say goodbye to Emily, who is due to leave the United States. Joshua is invited, and the party could be Rachel's another chance at seducing him, but every attempt goes horribly wrong, and it is unbearably painful to watch.
From Rachel choking on a cherry stem to her failed kiss with Joshua after a spin-the-bottle round, everything is simply too cringe. And you know what makes it even worse?
"That whole storyline is cringey and made 100% worse knowing that the actors had just had a bad break up in real life and were still forced to work together," Redditor Shiny-Gible recalled.
Despite the cringe parade in the episode, Joshua ends up admitting that he has feelings for Rachel (yep, even after that bra scene). Still, he sticks to his decision not to date as he is just out of marriage, and Rachel (thank God) somehow makes peace with it.
Good shows always not just entertain us but also teach us a lesson. That cringeworthy episode of season 4 apparently taught us that one has to know one's limits when trying to seduce someone... oh, and maybe taking off your bra out of your sleeve is not the best pick-up technique.
Despite its sometimes cringeworthy episodes, Friends still remains an iconic show loved by thousands of people across the world even though it ended back in 2004 after 10 seasons.