Daemon and Rhaenyra Wedding Was a Lot More Disturbing Than You Thought

A beautiful moment for some definitely traumatized others.
There's no doubt House Of The Dragon was already controversial enough before episode 7 of the show.
As Alicent Hightower herself mentioned in the show, the Targaryens have "quite queer customs" when it comes to relationships and marriage.
For many fans, including even those who aren't familiar with the books, it was pretty clear that Rhaenyra will end up marrying her uncle Daemon sooner or later. However, not everyone was on board with that decision.
Even in books, neither the King nor the public was supportive of such a decision. Especially considering the fact both of their spouses have died very recently and it did not look like a simple coincidence.
TV show viewers were more accepting of this scene since it was beautifully shot and showed just how perfectly the two would fit their roles of an heir and prince consort.
Still, there is one moment that gave many fans an ick: the children's faces throughout the scene.
While some suggest it was purely cruel to bring children already traumatized by the deaths of their respective parents to the wedding, others think it was done to purely prove a point to them.
"Daemon and Rhaenyra were unified under this ancient ritual. It was to leave a lasting impression on the kids and settle the finality of the changes in their family.
Was it uncomfortable to watch? Probably. But it's a brutal world and lessons are taught in heavy-handed ways," user Porcelain-treasure said, adding a lot of value to the discussion.
You probably remember Daemon saying that he would wed Rhaenyra in a tradition of the Targaryen family, so clearly, this was important to him. A tradition that would need to be passed on to their kids.
After all, viewers in the XXI century can easily forget how different the Medieval times were, especially in a fantasy world created by George R. R. Martin.
Children were often taught in the most brutal manner, so it's not that surprising they were forced to join this experience.