
Daniel Radcliffe Needed Rupert Grint's Help to Fake His Love for Harry Potter Trivia

Daniel Radcliffe Needed Rupert Grint's Help to Fake His Love for Harry Potter Trivia
Image credit: Legion-Media

It turns out Daniel Radcliffe aged 5 didn't know what Lord Voldemort's real name was because he was not a huge fan of the Harry Potter books.

It was his co-star Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) in the Harry Potter franchise, who wrote down the right answer – Tom Marvolo Riddle – on a piece of paper and gave it to Radcliffe during an interview. Both believed that no one noticed it but they were mistaken. At the same time this was the moment Daniel Radcliffe realized that he need to read J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter saga.

"Rupert was trying to help me and wrote the answer down on a bit of paper and slid it to me. We thought we were being really subtle and clever, but of course, we were seen. It was then I realized I had to read the books," the actor recalled in Susan Blackhall's Daniel Radcliffe: The Biography.

Radcliffe said it was hard to him to get into the books at such a young age though. Unlike the rest of his classmates he only read the first two books and quickly forgot the plot and the characters. Nonetheless, the young actor got the leading role of The Boy Who Lived, which made him famous all across the world and brought him slightly under $100 million.

Speaking with A24 podcast Daniel Radcliffe admitted that he really enjoyed playing Harry. "That's the other thing that's a key, is I feel like a lot of young people get started in it and then get to a point where they're like, 'I don't really like this anymore'," he said. (via)

This was never the case with Radcliffe. Every time his mom and dad asked him if he was still enjoying it or if he wanted to stop, the young actor would say that he was happy to be on set. School was something he hated so much.

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At the same time he was quite embarrassed to inhabit the Harry Potter character. In an interview with Too Fab, Radcliffe admitted that wearing the school uniform was not "the coolest thing in the world at the time". But now, that more than two decades passed since the first movie hit the big screen he believes that "that was incredibly cool".

Would he like to reprise the role again sometime in the future? Well, it all depends on just how good the screenplay would be. Speaking to Radio Times in 2016, Radcliffe said that he might be willing to star in a reboot.

"The circumstances would have to be pretty extraordinary. But then I am sure Harrison Ford said that with Han Solo and look what happened there! So I am saying 'No' for now, but leaving room to backtrack in the future," Radcliff explained. (via)