David Harbour Has Known How Stranger Things Ends for Years

Turns out, the actor is particularly good at keeping a secret.
It is said that the plotline of Stranger Things has been planned all the way from beginning to end from Season 1, even though the series' upcoming ending was only announced this year.
However, not many know what this ending is going to be. The showrunners Matt and Ross Duffer have divulged their plans only to a lucky few — including David Harbour ( starring as Hopper).
Apparently, he was simply too persuasive.
"…and I'm such a harassment specialist that I think I've gotten it out of them. It's been back and forth about like, 'What happens to Hopper? Is he a character that's able to survive Hawkins or does he die?'" Harbour explained to Variety. "I know what happens and it's quite moving, and quite beautiful."
And Harbour has known how the show ends for quite some time. From his point of view that was necessary to play his character properly.
"I think that I needed to know as we were shooting early on, because I needed to know where he ends up and for what reason he ends up there. I think there is going to be somewhat of a morality — or at least responsible storytelling — to what the Duffers are doing, " he said, before providing a specific example of a character in Strange Things whose eventual fate was closely tied with his portrayal up to that point.
However, unfortunately – or fortunately – for all the fans, Harbour has remained and still remains tight-lipped about the secrets of the series he was entrusted with. "I will hold this one to my grave, I promise," he said, laughing.
So, since Season 4 of Stranger Things, which released this year took about 3 years to make, it's quite possible we're not going to know what will happen in the finale until 2025.