Dead Boy Detectives Needs Season 2 to Fix This Pilot Plot Hole

Dead Boy Detectives Needs Season 2 to Fix This Pilot Plot Hole
Image credit: Netflix

Crystal’s journey is far from over.


  • Throughout the first season of Dead Boy Detectives, all 4 main characters were busy with their separate storylines.
  • Crystal Palace, previously possessed by a demon, has been working to regain her memories and free herself from his control.
  • However, there is still a chapter of her story that the writers have overlooked.

One of the many great things that both critics and casual viewers point out about The Dead Boy Detectives is the way all the characters were introduced to the story. Even though the first season only lasted 8 episodes, the writers spent enough time establishing the background of each main character.

However, introducing a character is only the first step of the job. Getting them from point A to point B is an entire journey, and one of the four characters failed to make it in the first season. Fortunately, if Netflix decides to renew the show, this plot hole can be easily resolved.

What Happened to Dead Boy Detectives’ Crystal?

Although the show is called Dead Boy Detectives and follows the adventures of two ghostly best friends solving supernatural mysteries, in the very first episode, a living, breathing human named Crystal Palace joins them.

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Crystal is a psychic who becomes the next case when her ghost friend reports some strange behavior. It turns out that Crystal has been possessed by her toxic ex-demon David, who has stolen a good portion of her memories before the boys could exorcize him out of her body.

Along with other main characters, Edwin, Charles, and another living girl, Niko, Crystal has spent the entire season trying to regain control of her life and memories. However, one detail from the beginning has never been addressed, and it has the most attentive fans worried.

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A little girl who came to the agency to report Crystal's case has never been seen again. Considering that Crystal went overseas with her new friends almost immediately, it's likely that she never returned to the cemetery where the two of them used to play and was never reunited with her.

Of course, there is a good chance that Crystal simply forgot about her as a part of her former life, but it does ruin the streak of successfully solved cases. Hopefully, at some point during the second season, the writers will take a second to address this issue and bring Crystal's entire case to a satisfying conclusion.

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If you haven't seen Dead Boy Detectives yet, or if you want to re-watch it to maximize your chances of renewal, you can stream the show on Netflix.

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