Delena Fans, Rise Up: Legacies Robbed Us of Elena & Damon Child

The appearance of this character is what all Vampire Diaries fans have secretly dreamed of.
The fourth season of Legacies recently ended, and it was the last one. However, the showrunners had hopes that there might be a fifth season – and even came up with a strategically important character to include.
It had to be Stephanie Salvatore, the daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert.
A girl named after her heroic uncle was mentioned in the first season of Legacies as part of an alternate reality. And no one else recalled her until recently.
Series creator Julie Plec admitted that Stephanie was definitely going to show up in season five:
"Very much at the top of our white board as a character that we were planning on introducing, should the show move forward. […] In my mind, Damon and Elena had kids in our timeline.
The way we alluded to her in the genie episode was as though she was 12 or 13. But in the Legacies timeline, their kids were younger, probably toddlers."
Julie also admitted that she's not sure exactly how Stephanie would have appeared on the show, but it's likely that this arc would involve time jumps.
In the last episode of The Vampire Diaries, Stefan sacrificed himself so that Damon could become human and live happily ever after with Elena.
Before he died, Stefan was able to see Elena in the other world and tell her what happened, while in reality Elena was under a sleeping spell.
Later, Bonnie disillusioned Elena, who was finally able to reunite with Damon. At the end of her earthly life, Elena found herself in the afterlife with her dead parents and friends, and Damon met with Stefan in their mansion.
At the heart of Legacy's plot was the story of the supernatural creatures being trained at the Salvatore School.
It was there that Klaus Mikaelson's seventeen-year-old daughter Hope Mikaelson, along with Alaric Saltzman's twin daughters, the newly converted werewolf Rafael Waithe, and the enigmatic Landon Kirby, went through all the stages of growing up in the most unusual ways, trying to become better despite their worst sides.
Source: TVLine