Does 'The Boys' Season 4 Renewal Announcement Prove Kimiko Hasn't Died?

Does 'The Boys' Season 4 Renewal Announcement Prove Kimiko Hasn't Died?
Image credit: Legion-Media

At this point 'The Boys' fans got at least a dozen of theories how the events of s3e4 can be reversed or fixed.

If you need yet another reassurance that Kimiko's death in episode 4 wasn't, in fact, permanent (because God knows we do), here's one from 'The Boys ' Twitter account. 'The Boys' team got some great news to share tonight: the show was officially renewed by Amazon Prime for season 4, and the celebratory announcement video made its way to 'The Boys' Twitter page. The video features almost every major 'The Boys' star – including one Karen Fukuhara, who plays Kimiko Miyashiro / The Female. Fans, having to witness Kimiko's death recently, were quick to make a logical assumption: everyone's who's in the season 4 announcement will still be alive in said season. Basically, Karen Fukuhara stays, and that means that Kimiko is still going to be a part of the Billy Butcher's crew, come season 4.

There's just one hiccup in this pretty picture: there's no Tomer Kapon (Serge Sergei / Frenchie), Karl Urban ( Billy Butcher) or Dominique McElligott (Queen Maueve) in the video… Make of that what you will.

Meanwhile Reddit steadfastly refuses to even consider Kimiko's death as something permanent (and real), instead trying to guess who's actually going to die in the season 3 finale. There's a solid tradition here: in the season 1 finale Stillwell died, and Becca was the one who bit it in the second season. So chances are, someone from Seven is going to bid his/her adieu this season, and fans rather convinced that it would be the Deep, A-train or Queen Maeve (kinda puts Dominique McElligott not being in the aforementioned season 4 announcement video in a whole new light, don't you think?)

After Maueve gave Butcher V24, thus effectively betraying Homelander and basically painting a giant X on her back, chances of her making it through season 3 were pretty slim – or, as fans oh so eloquently put it, "Maueve's already dead – she just doesn't know it". On the other hand, killing Maueve off would be pretty obvious a choice – not as daring as we've come to expect from 'The Boys'.

With only 4 episodes left, 'The Boys' season 3 finale is set for July 8.

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