Doomed Tarantino Project Could Actually Be His Best Work

Quentin Tarantino's name is already a synonym to the word "genius". But have you ever wondered, maybe it could have been even better?
While the news of Tarantino's tenth movie, aka the last movie he would ever shoot, made waves on the Internet, fans found something else to obsess over.
The thing is, Tarantino has a lot of "hidden" projects that were never about to be released. And one of these on-and-off projects is the famous Double V Vega, the continuing adventures of The Vega Brothers.
A while after Pulp Fiction was released in 1994, he had an idea that would include the same characters with the ones from Reservoir Dogs.
True fans of Tarantino know that Michael Madsen's character in Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Blonde AKA Vic Vega, is the brother of John Travolta's character, Vincent Vega, from Pulp Fiction.
Despite the movie's actual title, fans immediately started calling it The Vega Brothers, and it's no wonder why.
So for so many years, fans have been hoping to see their beloved characters together again. Tarantino once said that he wanted this movie to be a sequel and a prequel to both Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs.
And the Vega brothers would have been played by nobody else but Michael Madsen and John Travolta.
However, as fans kept their hopes up, Tarantino once told some media that although he had the idea for a movie for many years, there was still no story behind it.
He then told a San Antonio radio station that without the story, there was no point in even trying to make the movie. Besides, Madsen and Travolta are not getting younger…
After that, Vega fans realized that there is no way they are ever going to see that movie. So far, no new information has emerged on the doomed movie, and we still don't know where this project is in Tarantino's head.
Probably, he just forgot about his once ingenious idea and focused on… The Movie Critic?