Emma Stone Felt So Intimidated by X-Men Star She Almost Quit Acting Once

The actress wanted to give up acting because she felt that she was not talented enough.
If you had to pick the most important actress of the last decade, many would name Emma Stone. Playing a variety of characters – from Spider-Man's girlfriend to a girl who dreams of Hollywood – the actress has become a symbol of her time.
In each movie, we see how she melts into her character, making each movie more charming than it could be without her. In her piggy bank there is a whole plethora of unique images that brought her a huge number of the most prestigious awards.
It's hard to believe, but the actress herself was far from being so sure of her uniqueness, talent and acting abilities.
Now Emma Stone and another one of the most successful actresses of our time, Jennifer Lawrence, are good friends, but there was a time when Emma looked at Jennifer and thought if she should quit acting because she will never be like Lawrence:
"She may not even know this, but there was definitely a time early on when I was like, 'Oh hey, my ego is going nuts, she's so great and vibrant and talented, I'm screwed, I'll never work again, goodbye yellow brick road.'"
But then the actress realized that there is a place for everyone in Hollywood, and she is no worse than Jennifer, just different.
The actress first gained popularity with her role in the comedy Easy A. Despite the fact that she had already received prominent roles before, this was the first time she became the main character and was present in almost every scene.
Emma played a 17-year-old high school student whose reputation has been ruined by rumors. Rather than retreating into herself or taking revenge on the perpetrators, the main character shakes the outdated foundations of the school. Stone managed to fit into the image perfectly and declared herself the queen of comedy.
But without a doubt, Emma's most important and memorable role was in Damien Chazelle's La La Land. And while the movie itself has been sometimes panned and called overrated, critics and viewers alike have had little bad to say about Emma Stone, because in the movie she is, let's face it, perfect.
Eyes wide open, in love with a jazz pianist and hoping to break out from behind a coffee shop counter – most people could relate to her character because most of us are the fools who dream.
Source: Vanity Fair